Sunday, February 21, 2021

Newly Revealed Footage of antifa/blm terrorist leader John Earle Sullivan Admitting to Organizing the January 6th Riot Directly Contradicts the Recent Washington Post “Thing” Blaming Alex Jones and Roger Stone

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat
Sun, Feb 21, 2021 9:51 p.m.

Newly Revealed Footage of antifa/blm leader John Earle Sullivan Admitting to Organizing the January 6th Riot Directly Contradicts the Recent Washington Post Article Blaming Alex Jones and Roger Stone. Share this special report to get the word out!

N.S.: Anytime I read of something—including old bubble gum being found under a desk—being blamed on Roger Stone, I think: Deep State.

PGCE-P: The “attack” was complete horses--t.

I know all about D.C.

One of my distant ancestors was Bynum Smith. He was a mason who topped off the construction of the Washington Monument.

My paternal grandfather was a steam fitter who worked in the tunnels underneath the campus of Saint Elizabeth’s Mental Hospital.

One of my brothers worked as a surveyor during the construction of the D.C. Metro.

One of my aunts worked in a low-level support job for the CIA for years.

And my late Uncle Jack, a homicide detective, investigated the assassination of Orlando Letelier.

All federal buildings in D.C. were hardened years ago thanks to the “attacks” on the WTC and the Pentagon.

Short of an armored division, no group could have successfully “stormed” the Capitol.

Remember: Every federal building in D.C. and its suburbs was hardened years ago.



  1. I was surprised and am still surprised at HOW EASY those rioters did gain access to the Capitol. I had thought all those critical federal buildings at least in DC were hardened and no access was possible unless you did have a trained small army to assault the place. But the rioters just seemed to ease in without any problem. And with everyone on edge and no one had planned for this occurring? Very strange.

  2. Conservatives don't have the mindset(YET)to pull something like Jan 6th off.Too respectful.Hopefully,we're learning.

