Monday, February 15, 2021

Bill Gates Lauded as Man to “Save the World”

By R.C.
Mon, Feb 15, 2021 1:36 p.m.

Bill Gates Lauded as Man to “Save the World”

R.C.: Zero carbon emissions?

Like no one passing gas?

Seriously, autocrats love this parasite and profiteer.

More State influence and control over our lives.



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Gates is a hypocrite of the highest order, a master of talking from both sides of the mouth. He understands that playing the both sides of the fence is the way to maximize future profits. Here he is criticizing Europe for it's "open door" immigration policy (actually sounds halfway rational here):

But then from the other side of his mouth pushes for the mass immigration agenda here in the US:

Here Gates sings the praises of Trudeau and his policy of mass importing Muslims into Canada:
Aha! Some actual truth leaks through, I think Gates is actually jealous of Europe hogging up all those turd worlders and wants to divert them to the US! "It's good for business" as he states quite clearly.

Gates wants to import diversity "talent" from the 3rd world but in reality knows he can't make all that farmland he bought profitable without plenty of cheap Mexican labor. Plus, all that money he's poured into vaccinating negro's in Africa from all those dread diseases they've been living with since the dawn of time, can't ship them here to the US if they're all dead.

I don't care about depopulation theories involving Gates, just look at where his investments are going if you want to know what he really wants, the PR is meant as a distraction to the faction of environmentalists that still recognize population growth in the 3rd world is a vital issue. The Svalbard seed bank is one of the most emblematic of his hypocrisy, instead of recognizing that a rapidly overpopulating 3rd world is the primary reason for deforestation, he pours money into promoting population growth both in the 3rd and the 1st world. He's anticipating (and investing in) the massive population increase of the future and the resulting environmental destruction by hoarding seeds and buying farmland, he's going to rule food production and shift his wealth into something more tangible than "stock wealth".

Bottom line, do just a little research on where Gates (or Soros and his billionaires for open borders club are putting their money and the true agenda becomes clear:

If there was no immigration into the 1st from the 3rd world, population of the West would be stable or dropping, no way Gates, Soros et al don't understand that, they just don't care. They want to replace whites with negro's, Mex and Muslims because it makes them richer. Crazy isn't it? Don't these obscenely wealthy parasites have enough billions already? Gates if over 60, Soros is ancient but the lust for more billions makes them want to commit race genocide. I suspect it's a race to be the first trillionaire, maybe they're afraid Bezos is going to get there first.

Anonymous said...

How many thousands has he killed and paralyzed in India and Africa with the faulty vaccines he pushed on them? It remains to be seen if the Wuhan Virus vaccines he is pushing here will kill or maim people in the long run. The carbon hoax is something the wealthy and powerful scum use to get richer and more powerful. We should try to get him extradited to face murder charges in some of the countries where his vaccines killed children. I gave up using Microsoft products many years ago--it is a relief not to have his buggy products, but the main reason is I cannot stomach giving this POS a cent of my money.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Gates just hire all blacks to create software and other innovations--and fire Whitey?Because the company would implode in a week.Why don't hospitals have all black doctors and all black researchers?Same answer.
Gates,being White,should be aware that the path he wants to put us on will cause his kids and their kids to be eliminated from the planet by genocidalists.

A genius without a brain.


Anonymous said...

An uneducated man who never finished his education has the nerve to lecture to us??