Monday, November 02, 2020

"She will shake the table": Black Lawmakers Explain What Kamala Harris Means to Them

By Merlin
Mon, Nov 2, 2020 1:03 p.m.

"She will shake the table': Black Lawmakers Explain What Kamala Harris Means to Them"

Merlin: Introducing the Mocha Marxists.....

'She will shake the table': Black lawmakers explain what Kamala Harris means to them


  1. She sure will. And all for the worst. More than Joe Kamala is running for President.

  2. Why,is fat Oprah going to fall on it at the first all black cabinet meeting?
    You think NBC News is all black now--wait until Biden/Harris
    choose their commie co-conspirators.Holder,Rice,the nig from Florida and some I've never heard of--they all be hired back.
    Four years of a White Nightmare are on tap--brought to you by White women voting for Biden.
