Monday, November 02, 2020

Election 2020--ShutDownDC

By "W"
Mon, Nov 2, 2020 12:50 p.m.

Election 2020--ShutDownDC

"W": I am sure this is being duplicated all across the country.



  1. Gonna blow I am telling you. Results immaterial. Just gonna be mayhem.

  2. Lesta Holt stat of the day:
    "There are a record 30 million nigs eligible to vote."
    When all is said and done,Trump will not get 15% of the black vote.Trump will not get 10%.
    Another NNN stat(true or not):
    In 2016,51% of suburban women voted for Clinton.
    This year,57% appear to be voting for the demented one,Biden.

    White women are going to cause Trump to lose and blacks will not vote in enough numbers to enable Trump to win.
