Monday, November 02, 2020

Killadelphia: ABC-TV Report: White Residents Confront Useless Cops Re Looters (Video)

“W”: Looks like a black-and-White case
Sun, Nov 1, 2020 9:35 p.m.

N.S.: I posted this comment at Youtube; it appears to have been censored:

“Fake news reporter George Solis: “Discouraging vigilantism, while still promoting residents stay vigilant and united.”

What a load of hooey! “Vigilant and united,” to what end? The only rationale for that would be to stop the looters through mob action, or though individual citizens shooting them dead. Since the police have betrayed their duty and their paychecks, civilians must replace them.

If those cops had any sense of honor, they’d eat the business end of their service weapons.

6abc Philadelphia 61.5K subscribers

Voices drowned out voices Friday evening in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia as community members met to discuss the recent lootings and unrest. Many residents were still livid in the aftermath of Tuesday evening's looting and destruction following peaceful protests in the wake of the deadly police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr.

Residents Meet with Philadelphia Police after Looters Hit Port Richmond Businesses


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait until Holder gets back in as AG.I can't even write about it.