Friday, October 02, 2020

Slush Fund Allegations: Rochester, New York, Mayor Indicted on 2 Felony Campaign Finance Charges

By R.C.
Fri, Oct 2, 2020 5:07 p.m.

Rochester, New York, Mayor Indicted on 2 Felony Campaign Finance Charges - from USA TODAY

The Rochester mayor and her campaign aides are accused of illegally using a political action committee, or PAC, to bolster campaign finances.

Check out this story on



Anonymous said...

"The Supreme Court ruled today in agreement with the legislature that the 1945 law is unconstitutional,” House speaker Lee Chatfield wrote.

“The governor had no right to extend the state of emergency over the Legislature’s objection. Our Constitution matters, and this was a big win for our democratic process.”

“Michigan is now unlocked,” Fred Wszolek, spokesman for Unlock Michigan told Breitbart News.

Unlock Michigan has been leading a petition drive to repeal the same 1945 law. On Friday, the group submitted 593,000 signatures to force a vote by the legislature, Mlive reported.

“We argued from the beginning that unlimited powers for a politician were a terrible idea. Today, we know that they are also unconstitutional,” Wszolek said.
GRA:She wanted total control--like most Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Rochester where they just had the riots? Mayor is not only useless, is a criminal herself.