Sunday, August 30, 2020

Since March, the Trump Administration Has Used Hotels to Hold at Least 660 Children, Most Unaccompanied by a Parent, before Expelling Them to Their Countries of Origin

By R.C.
Sun, Aug 30, 2020 10:09 a.m.

The data released Friday show that since March, the Trump administration has used hotels to hold at least 660 children, most unaccompanied by a parent, before expelling them to their countries of origin.


  1. Better life than anything they had in the old country I might venture.

  2. jerry pdx
    "Children"??? Or adult men pretending to be underage? In the photo I see an older woman and young man holding an infant, no explanation, so is the young man the "child"? Or is the photo suggesting that infants are being expelled? Typical media deception through suggestion, people are going to think it's the infant. If that young man is old enough to father a child, he's not likely to be that young. I'd be willing to bet any amount of money that the vast majority of those "children" are men either above the age of 16 (considered adult in most 3rd world countries) or 20 or even 30 somethings masquerading as children.
