Sunday, August 30, 2020

"I'm Not Sad That a Fu**ing Fascist Died Tonight": Left-Wing Portland Rioters Celebrate Murder of Trump Supporter

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Aug 30, 2020 9:58 a.m.

"I'm Not Sad That a Fu**ing Fascist Died Tonight': Left-Wing Portland Protesters Celebrate Murder of Trump Supporter

Below is from an email I sent on November 28, 2009.

"-----, I have a son!"

I remember well these words of Eric Beebe Eric was the one who brought William F. Buckley to speak at the University of Dallas some 20 years ago.   He sponsored a $1,000-a-plate dinner in the Park Cities to finance it.  I knew Eric from my undergraduate days at the University of Dallas.

Eric said these words to me one night at a restaurant in the affluent suburb of Plano, Texas.   I had had a few beers to drink, and got into a heated discussion with Eric about how Uncle Sam intentionally screwed over native-born white males like me.  I warned Eric about the forthcoming Balkanization of this country that would result from such actions.  Thus his response: "-----, I have a son!"

In 1871, the Apache Indian chief Cochise made many mistakes in fighting Gen. George Crook on the Arizona frontier, but he never invited Crook to sit in his war council. Crook on the other hand had dozens of Apache scouts and informants. Lessons, lessons, everywhere.

I hate being clairvoyant.


  1. And no one should be sad about Blake,Floyd,Arbury etal.,getting what they asked for.I wish the libs would quit crying about it,but we know this is all a ruse.

  2. So fucking what, you silly Nazi motherfucker. The entire right-wing is applauding your little fat shit murderer Kyle what's-his-name.

    Whitey dies in Portland--no problem,Boseman dies-it's a big f***ing deal(to MSM).
    I thought someone important had passed when 5 minutes were devoted on ABC News.It was only blackie Chadwick Boseman.Not "only" to ABC--they talked about him as if he was the most awe-inspiring individual ever born.Not only that,"black Panther" is being shown tonight--followed by--get this,an ABC memorial called,"A Tribute for a King".
    As I say too often,blacks are being glorified and raised ABOVE Whites(whatever happened to all men are equal?We're not even at the SAME status level as blacks it appears. I think Whites have been designated to an area below,not only blacks,but Mex and Muslim!)A black dies--thug,movie actor,politician--there's massive coverage never before seen--with reverence and hysteria at the same time.
    You have to blame those at the top of the networks.To honor Chadwick Boseman in this manner would be like honoring Jack Nicholson after "5 Easy Pieces" or Tom Cruise after "All the Right Moves"--you wouldn't.It's only because Boseman is black,of course,that we're seeing this mania about him and the rest of the apes--Floyd,Arbury,John Lewis etal.
    Overdone?Just a little--only to the magnitude of the size of the Grand Canyon.

  4. Crook was a decent man who indeed had a lot of sympathy for the American Indian.


  5. jerry pdx
    Light skinned "hispanic" negro NY subway rapist is caught through facial recognition. I have to wonder if this guy is going to be counted as white in FBI stats. All they have to do is slide him over into the hispanic/latino category and "voila", inflated white crime statistics! Maybe he's related to Matias Reyes, the rapist/murderer "hispanic" negro who raped and nearly beat to death Tricia Meili, with the assistance of the CP5.

  6. MLAJ:

    Aaron Danielson was targeted and murdered. Kyle Rittenhouse was defending himself against his would-be murderers. Everyone knows that now, including you.

    Your vile angry message offers even more proof that decent Americans have no hope of living in peace with people like you.

  7. Jay Bishop was the guy murdered in Portland. My mistake.
