Sunday, May 03, 2020

Oregon County Says “No Whites Allowed”

By Merlin
Sun, May 3, 2020 12:05 a.m.
"Oregon County Says 'No Whites Allowed'"

Oregon County Says

"No Whites Allowed"

Inline image

Are you ready for this week's absurdity? Here's our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, your finances, and your prosperity… and on occasion, poetic justice.

"No whites allowed" safe space for employees of Oregon county

Do you know what's been missing from the government's response to coronavirus?

You might think– 'more testing kits', or 'honest information'.

Nope. According to at least one county in the US state of Oregon, the biggest issue right now is establishing "safe spaces" where no white people are allowed.

This is how Multnomah County, Oregon is rewarding its employees who are working during the pandemic: the county government announced that one of their departments will host "a grounding space for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) employees to share, heal, connect, and get grounded in a space that is not dominated by whiteness."

The safe-space was announced in a daily report to county employees fighting coronavirus.

When asked, a county spokesperson assured the public that it is perfectly legal to discriminate against their white employees.

She explained, "The space excludes no one. It is based on shared lived experience not identity. The same way our employee resource groups for veterans, parents, and people with a disability are based on life experience and not identity. All are welcome here."

Except white people.

Try to wrap your mind around that double-speak.

Click here to read the full story.


  1. jerry pdx
    They've had no white coffee shop nights, shopping times in retail stores, no whiteness college days and set up various "safe places" around campuses, there's plenty of racist blacks and self hating whites in Portland promoting this idiocy. I try to ignore it, but if I stumble into one of their no whiteness affairs I'd love to see them try to force me out of there. I won't go quietly. Of course there's no safe places for whites away from racist violent negro's who have the freedom to go anywhere they want and menace whites.

  2. "The space excludes no one."

    If this is so then all the whitey employees as a group just need one time to make a point and "invade" the safe space. "We just want to sit down."

    Just like back in the old civil rights era. What does it matter if you sit in the back of the bus or the front was the question. To some it mattered a lot.
