Friday, February 14, 2020

Not Guns—Wogs!

By Jesse Mossman

The leftist statists in Britain claim there is a gun problem, as gun violence in the anti-gun country is up 27% with almost 10,000 gun crimes in a year.

But the usual suspects claim Britain also has a knife problem—which one company wants to solve with blunt tips on kitchen knives:
“Viners says it is responding to a change in the Offensive Weapon Act 2019, which reclassified kitchen knives as an offensive weapon.

It also cites spiralling levels of knife crime, which saw blade-related offences rise by seven per cent from the previous 12 months last year, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).”

What is next, outlawing rocks?

But the real problem is, as the British used to say, “Wogs.”

British are finding that diversity doesn't mean strength—it means crime.

We have the same problem in Washington State. The recent shooting of eight people in Seattle has, as expected, sparked more controls for guns. But the shootings were the result of rivalries of black drug gangs, which the left has allowed to own parts of Seattle for years.

“The shooting has highlighted the dangers of the busy corner, which many refer to as an open-air drug market, and fueled frustrations of downtown residents and business owners who are fed up with violent outbursts and crime downtown.

Suspects in the gang shootings:

Just this month a black legislator is calling for mandatory training for people wanting concealed carry licenses. I haven’t heard of any crime from concealed carry holders—who are undoubtedly almost all white. But calling for a crackdown on black gangsters would not be PC.


  1. Any use of an edged weapon is in most locales [England too?] considered to be the use of lethal force. No matter what type of edged weapon. A box cutter for instance is the same as a knife for legal purposes.

    The colored guys in high school used to carry box cutters. Said they needed it for the job, they were ALL grocery store clerks.

  2. "frustrations of downtown residents and business owners who are fed up with violent outbursts and crime downtown."

    A very common status in many places and yet very little ever seems to be done to combat the problem.

  3. First it is knife crime. And then gun crime. Then it will be grenade crime. Then bomb crime. Ever escalating weaponry used. And never a solution found. Wogs. Nothing more than that.
