Friday, February 14, 2020

Is MSNBC's Katy Tur a White Nationalist?

By Nicholas Stix

On Tuesday (I think), Tur was interviewing New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (Globalist-Right), who kept talking about how great the employment numbers for blacks and Hispanics were, sounding disturbingly like the GOP’s national standard-bearer.

Tur, of all people, interjected to ask Sununu what he was doing for white folks. He responded that they’re doing fine, too (paraphrase).

I’m no fan of Katy Tur, but I have to give the lady credit for chutzpah in a good cause (whatever her intentions may have been).

Republicans just don’t give a God-damn for their own base. It’s understandable that the Communists, er, Democrats feel that way, because they are committed to white genocide. But Republicans? I guess they’re committed to white genocide, too, just the slow plan, as opposed to the Reds’ Genocide Express.


  1. I'm glad you placed the word,"Is",BEFORE "MSNBC's Katy Tur ..."instead of AFTER it(as in,"MSNBC's Katy Tur IS a White Nationalist")or I would have thought it was April Fool's Day already.
    A headline of "Katy Tur Endorses Trump in 2020" would logically have to be next--followed by a lawsuit from Tur for defamation.
    "Will Katy Tur Endorse Trump in 2020"?is allowable(the answer is:"not as long as long as she works for NBC--or any commie network".)
    Tur is one of the original Trump haters and the entire NBC network caught it like the coronavirus.

    Compared to other "reporters" on NBC,she COULD qualify as a white nationalist--after all,she married a white guy in 2017 and brought a whitey baby into the world in May 2019.
    In the future,Tur would probably be executed for that by blackie types.

  2. I guess the attitude is "the whites are already ours [?] why worry about them. They have no other place to go."

  3. Amen. Anon 2's right but I think it's worse. Hannity and Trump seem not to even see whites as "benefit to minorities" is all they crow about. Action on illegal immigration suggests some vestigial appreciation of its effect on whites but even then he can tell himself it helps blacks (and Hispanics who've already benefitted from their own illegal origins). But Trump blows an uncertain trumpet in ALL matters. It's unser Unglueck that we have a president of such limited intellect and strategic insight. The fool had two carrier battle groups headed to Korea at one point. To do what is still a mystery. Not one fighting man on the border, however. Just taxi drivers and midwives. Plenty in Eyerack, of course.

    Stuck in the coils of his life as a player. At best. But I prefer the limited intellect theory.

    Carlson knows the score but I think hews to the line that America is "an idea" quote unquote to keep his job.
