Monday, September 23, 2019

The Navy Says those UFO Videos are Real

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Sep 22, 2019 10:13 p.m.

ATR: Chuck Gabriel was one of my finance instructors at UT Dallas.  I worked for him a few years ago.  He owns a boutique consulting firm in Plano.

EMA Softech is an investment industry research and technology company providing wealth management research, investment analysis, financial economic advice, software, services.

ATR: Chuck's late father ran the nuclear propulsion program for NASA for 5 years in the 1970s.

Chuck's parents were divorced.  Chuck lived here in Lake Highlands with his mother.  His father lived near Goddard Space Center in Maryland.

Chuck would spend a few weeks every summer with his father in Maryland.

One summer day he cornered his father in the kitchen after dinner.  Chuck asked him, "Does NASA have technology as good as Star Wars or Star Trek?"  His father replied simply, "Better."


Anonymous said...

GRA:HE was fired in spite of this report that lauded his policework.
MUSKEGON, Mich. (WOOD) — New details were released about the incident involving the Muskegon police officer fired after KKK memorabilia was found on the wall of a home he was selling.

The report reveals details about both the officer and the couple who found the items and their prior contacts with this officer.

Former Muskegon police officer Charles Chuck Anderson was fired 10 days ago following an internal affairs investigation into the complaint by citizen Rob Mathis who saw a framed KKK application on a bedroom wall as he and his wife Reyna toured the officer’s home during an open house last month.

Rob Mathis is African-American, Reyna Mathis is Hispanic.

The 421-page report includes interviews with Anderson who said the KKK application was part of a large historical collection most of which had been put in storage, although there were no other similar items in the home at the time the Mathis’ toured it.

Anderson told investigators that the Confederate flags on items in the house were part of his devotion to the 1970s television series “Dukes of Hazzard.”

Anderson denied any bias.

The Mathises were also interviewed by internal affairs describing their shock at finding the items.

They both said they had no memory of ever having contact with Anderson previously.

However, police records show multiple encounters between Anderson and the couple responding to drunken domestic disputes.

In July of 2008, Anderson pulled over Rob Mathis for allegedly speeding on Spring Street near Catherine Avenue.

The police report claims that they both refused to comply with Anderson’s commands and that Reyna Mathis punched Anderson in the eye.

Reyna Mathis ended up sentenced to 60 days in jail for assaulting a police officer.

She was again arrested and lodged in jail in October of 2008 after she was involved in an alleged drunken assault of a person at the Brews and Cues bar.

The report includes Anderson’s multiple commendations and reviews that have him scoring around 4 on a scale of 5 for his performance.

There were also multiple interviews with officers of color who allegedly told investigators that Anderson had never showed any bias they were aware of.

However, the decision was made by Chief Jeffrey Lewis to fire Anderson after he met with community leaders in the community.

The executive summary concludes:

“The Social Justice leaders indicated that they (community) have lost faith, confidence and trust in Officer Anderson. Further, they were direct in stating that Officer Anderson’s actions put the entire department in negative or unfavorable light with the community. If Anderson returns the city would go ‘wild’. Also, Officer Anderson has received national attention through different sources of the media reflecting negatively on him, the police department as it relates to the KKK application and displays of memorabilia that is considered racist by a segment of the population.”
GRA:None of it mattered.If he doesn't sue(and win)--especially after this report--no one should sue.
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Sounds like pure BS. As an object approaches the speed of light its mass goes to infinity and so does the force required to accelerate it further. In Star Wars and Star Trek the ships greatly exceed the speed of light--otherwise it would take years to reach even the closest star. So for NASA to have better technology would mean Einstein's work was replaced by a new physics and no one has heard about it. Unlikely. The scariest thing is that the UFOs in the videos could be Russian or Chinese drones--and that would mean they have leaped ahead of US military technology. But in spite of the amazing speed and accelerations of these UFOs, nothing indicates they exceed the speed of light and so are not comparable to the fictional spaceships in Star Wars or Star Trek.