Tuesday, September 24, 2019

New and Recent Works in Vital Racial Socialist "Scholarship"

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From: Southern Illinois University Press <siupresspublicity@siu.edu>
To: add1dda <add1dda@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Sep 24, 2019 11:15 am
Subject: New book recovers a vital piece of feminist rhetorical history

Recovering a vital piece of feminist rhetorical history
Paper: 978-0-8093-3740-8
E-book: 978-0-8093-3741-5
$40, 280 pages, 1 illus.
Studies in Rhetorics and Feminisms
Mestiza Rhetorics:
An Anthology of Mexicana Activism in the Spanish-Language Press, 1887–1922
Edited by Jessica Enoch and Cristina Devereaux Ramírez
"Mestiza Rhetorics fills a crucial gap: it collects original versions and English translations of widely flung Spanish-language texts, making them available for in-depth study and learning. It is thoroughly, richly, and intersectionally feminist."—Christa J. Olson, author of Constitutive Visions: Indigeneity and Commonplaces of National Identity in Republican Ecuador

Also of interest
Hector P. Garcia: Everyday Rhetoric and Mexican American Civil Rights
Michelle Hall Kells. Foreword by Rolando Hinojasa-Smith
Paper: 978-0-8093-2729-4
E-book: 978-0-8093-8805-9
$35, 328 pages, 16 illus.
Vicente Ximenes, LBJ's Great Society, and Mexican American Civil Rights Rhetoric
Michelle Hall Kells. Foreword by Juan C. Guerra
Paper: 978-0-8093-3639-5
E-book: 978-0-8093-3640-1
$40, 346 pages, 21 illus.
"We Are Coming": The Persuasive Discourse of Nineteenth-Century Black Women
Shirley Wilson Logan
Paper: 978-0-8093-2193-3
E-book: 978-0-8093-8052-7
$30, 288 pages, 8 illus.

Be sure to enter code SIUP20
at checkout to save!
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