Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fox Apologizes after Moment of Honesty about "Mentally Ill Swedish Girl"

-----Original Message-----
From: BPR Daily AM <news@bizpacreview.com>
To: add1dda <add1dda@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Sep 24, 2019 9:04 am
Subject: Fox apologizes after 'mentally ill Swedish girl' crack; Dobbs on Ukraine: Intel community 'hostile' to Trump & more

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Fox apologizes after panel erupts over Greta Thunberg 'mentally ill Swedish child' crack

Dobbs on whistleblower fiasco: Intel community insanely 'hostile' to Trump


Mike Pence fires back: Biden bragged about getting Ukraine to do his bidding

Unhinged Swedish global warming teen shouts to world leaders: 'How dare you?'

Trump calls out 'Fredo' Cuomo at U.N.: Giuliani 'took him apart' over Ukraine

CNN's nasty Acosta on Trump era: 'I throw my beer cans at the TV'

Anderson Cooper throws tantrum over new press secretary Stephanie Grisham

Dem Rep. Sheila Lee takes aim at AR-15s and flubs it: Fires '.50 caliber' bullets

Hannity: Source confirms VP Joe Biden's role in Ukraine scandal


Stephen Moore: Imported uranium could be disastrous for America

MSNBC host asks about executing Trump for treason

Poll: Voters demand choice — oppose Medicare for all

Media at war: Trump China policy is working —but you won't hear about it

As Warren takes the lead, critics bash healthcare for all, sky-high taxes

Threat of border shutdown blamed on illegals surge: 14.3 million

Time's up: Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner ruthlessly mocked at Emmys

BPR is expanding, hiring full-time and part time freelance writer/editor


  1. 1.)They'd never mock the Kardashians if they were black.It's almost gotten to the point,that if you are a white female,just having sex with black
    men appears not to give you immunity from anti-white attacks anymore--like it used to.
    2.)Kathy Griffin should never again--go anywhere in public--where there's enough light to be able to see her.
    3.)How about FOX apologizing for keeping Shephard Smith as an employee?Whoever is keeping HIM around,must be "mentally ill" also.

  2. I wouldn't say the girl is mentally ill as we understand that term mentally ill. Has a disability more correctly put.
