Saturday, August 03, 2019

Free Crimes: Racist Black Man Disrupts White Comic's Set, then Commits Assault and Battery on Comic, Others, Patrons and Breaks $500 Window; Vics too Cowardly to Press Charges

By A Reader
Fri, Aug 2, 2019 9:43 a.m.

The self-control "issue"

I wonder if his blond girlfriend is attracted to the jungle-like behavior?

N.S.: I'm sure he commits assault and battery against whites all the time.

Disgruntled audience member launches surprise assault on open-mic comedian, then screams about race

August 1, 2019 | Sierra Marlee |  Print Article
A wild assault occurred in San Francisco on July 27th at "Mutiny Radio," a performance space that is also connected to a community radio station which broadcasts content online.
Coming to the end of a two-hour open mic session, comedian Capital Pilcrow was attempting to finish up his set when a man in the audience began allegedly talking to his female companion. Anyone who has ever been to a live show of any type knows that this is rude, discourteous behavior that is often grounds for removal from the premises.
Instead of removing the man, Pilcrow simply told him to be quiet.
"I do know who you are, so shut, stop talking," said Pilcrow, who was looking down at his phone. That's when the man stood up, approached the comedian, and shoved him. Pilcrow fell to the ground and the assailant began punching him in the face and head.
Watch below:
The perpetrator was restrained, and could be heard accusing the white comedian of "pretending to be black" and claiming that he's "the only black [expletive] in this place." It's unclear whether being surrounded by white people set off this racial tirade, or if he's simply a naturally violent person.
According to websites run by the man, he is a 34-year-old Bay Area resident who describes himself as a "video editor/producer" and "all-around good dude." While it's not certain whether he is actually a video editor/producer, it's fair to say that the "all-around good dude" rumor was laid to rest with this video.
Pilcrow is declining to press charges regarding the assault, as have the other patrons who were injured in the Mutiny melee.
As the man was being physically shoved out of the building for the safety of the people left inside, he also broke a window that a Mutiny Radio administrator claims was replaced at a cost of $500.
This is, without a doubt, an egregious display of meaningless violence, backed up by racial motives, but is it enough to qualify as a hate crime? Perhaps it would if anyone had the spinal fortitude to take this man to court so he can pay for his actions. Violence like that should absolutely not go unpunished, because it merely emboldens the perpetrator to inflict it upon someone else in the future. If he's willing to assault perfect strangers over perceived disrespect, how does he treat people he knows well? His mother? His father? His girlfriend? His pets?
At the very least, Mutiny Radio should go after the man for property damages regarding the broken window. $500 is not a small amount of money, and it shouldn't be coming out of their pockets.
This man, who could be struggling with rage under the onslaught of race-baiting divisive rhetoric coming from the media, might get away with actions that aren't acceptable in a civilized society, and it wouldn't be surprising if another similar story is published about him, or someone like him, in the near future.


  1. Bob Hope(if he was alive today)
    Did you hear about that white comic who was assaulted onstage by a black audience member?The white guys name was Capital Pilcrow.
    Pilcrow?Sounds to me like they need Jim Crow over there.
    But I wanna tell you,me and Bing worked with some mean savages too--on "The Road to Zanizbar"--go buy it.I still get two pennies of royalty money for every ten thousand copies that are sold.
    Bing told me a joke about a black guy who went into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder and asked for a beer.The bartender brings the beer,notices the parrot and says,"Hey,where did you get that weird looking animal?"
    "The parrot responds,"In Africa,there's millions of'em down there."
    That's a der Bingle joke,now Benny laid one on me too.
    What do blacks and tornadoes have in common?It only takes one to ruin a neighborhood.
    All right,I gotta go before I get attacked and they "Call me DEAD Bwana".
    Goodnight everyone.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. jerry pdx
    Here is a video of the assault:
    His racist comments were not mentioned in the news report.

  3. "all-around good dude". They are all all-around good dudes. All the time it is so. Especially when they are beating you to death.
