Saturday, August 03, 2019

Are Groups Like Never Again Action, Jewish Voice for Peace, and BDS Jewish Communists or Jewish Nazis? However You Slice it, They Seek to Bring about Holocaust II (My New VDARE Report is Up!)

“Never Again Action’s Communist Jews Want Open Borders to Wipe Out America—and Israel.”
By Nicholas Stix

So now, we learn from a fawning Buzzfeed, “young Jews” have founded Never Again Action to condemn President Trump, call for the elimination of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and shut down those awful “concentration camps” for “migrants” at the southwest border—part, they claim of a new “Holocaust” [“As the US Debates ‘Concentration Camps,’ These Jews are Trying to Actually Shut Them Down,” by Julia Reinstein, July 20, 2019]. As a patriotic, America-First Jew who supports Germany and Israel, I have been contemplating this sort of people intermittently for 18 years. Their claim isn’t just untrue. It’s off-the-chain insane—a blood libel on America.

The NAA’s Jews aren’t trying to stop a new Holocaust. They’re trying to start one, here, in the United States, by flooding the country with aliens from the Third World. This time, the victims will be Americans—the Historic American Nation. But what’s often missed: they would do the same to Israel if they could.

The NAA’s Jews, Buzzfeed didn’t report, aren’t so much Jewish as they are communists. That explains why they do what they do, including anti-American protests at which the activists shout “Never Again!” If people had demonstrated against the Nazis the way NAA is demonstrates against the evil racist Trump, they claim, the Holocaust would never have happened....

[Read the whole thing here.]


  1. jerry pdx
    Fratricide in the progressive paradise of Portland OR:
    Those black family value again when 30 yr. old Tamena J. Strickland shoots her college athlete brother Deante Strickland to death and wounds two (unidentified) females. In the TV news report they interviewed a cousin: Jeffrey Sims, who is also quoted in the article but they left out part of what he said.

    This is what Mr. Sims said in the live TV interview:

    "Tamera we love you to death, please come in, everybody makes a mistake"

    Only in black America is an attempted triple homicide a "mistake".

  2. Jewish people in the USA are often very confused mentally with a lot of issues what they are called.

    All from the Holocaust I might assume. USA now stoking up the ovens and all that is their mind-set.
