Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Trump Plans to Nominate Known Gun-Grabber to Head ATF

-----Original Message-----
From: The New American <circulation@thenewamerican.com>
To: add1dda <add1dda@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jun 3, 2019 5:07 pm
Subject: Trump Plans to Nominate Known Gun-grabber to Head ATF

Top Daily Headlines
June 3, 2019

Trump Plans to Nominate Known Gun-grabber to Head ATF

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Geo-fencing and Other Warrants: What the Founders Would Have Done

This video provides a road map for restoring our freedoms and rights through creating sufficient understanding of the principles enshrined in our nation's founding documents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trump betrays his base once again. Is he just stupid and ignorant or is he a phony? Over and over again he chooses people for his administration who are the opposite of what freedom-loving Americans want. This creep is against reciprocal carry--so a person cannot travel with a concealed weapon to protect his family. He is for civil asset forfeiture so police become highwaymen who can literally STEAL any money you are carrying and keep it--without any evidence of a crime or charging you with a crime. This guy is a gun grabber who will do nothing to curb the abuses of the ATF thugs who are known for making the lives of honest gun store owners hell as they look for technicalities to use against them. This is the kind of creep Hillary would have appointed. Why does Trump keep betraying us????? With the exception of Miller Trump has filled his administration with the very establishment swamp dwellers we elected him to fight.