Sunday, April 07, 2019

Weekend Funnies

By An Old Friend

Hu's on First?


  1. jerry pdx
    Check this out:
    Yup, California Guv Gavin Newsome is going actual travel to Central America in order to "examine" root causes of migration.

    Quote from article:

    “While the Trump Administration demonizes those who are fleeing violence from Central America, California is committed to lifting up our immigrant communities and understanding the root causes of migration,” Newsom said in a statement. “I am looking forward to traveling to El Salvador in April to talk with the nation’s leaders and activists while deepening the bond between our families and communities.”

    Let's read between the lines here, Newsome is not saying he is going to find out what's "really going on", he's stating his already established belief in what is going on and going to discuss it with "leaders" and "activists", all of whom are going to reinforce the lies he already believes. They'll stage a field trip to some village for photo ops with some women and kids then Newsome will triumphantly return to the US arrogantly claiming his open borders policies have been right all along because he's been there at ground zero. Does anybody actually believe that Newsome is actually going to demand direct and unfiltered access to migrants to find out the truth? Nope, he doesn't want that and nobody he plans to talk to wants that either.

    Here is some actual truth by reporter Ari Horowitz who did actual on the spot research with caravan migrants. You can tell he's being honest when he actually addresses the skewed gender ratio of the migrants. Something the mainstream media refuses to do:

  2. As Ed McMahon would have said to Carson,upon reading that lower cartoon,"That's EVERYTHING you need to know about the Democratic party."
    "WRONG,old white guy breath."
    "There's more?"
    "Yes,how about free Depends for everyone Hillary Clinton's age or older."
    And on it would go.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. GR Anonymous Musing of the Day
    It appears that the latest trend in commercials,is not only putting white characters who act dumb with "smart" blacks,but now...whites who only look like Wallace Shawn are being cast opposite pro black athletes--just to make whites look even more idiotic.
    Two commercials today,a Mobil ad with New Orleans basketball pro Anthony Davis outwitting his white counterpart (bald,thick glasses and an Amish beard).
    Another one has a white nebbish type sitting on a bench with a physically fit black--the black telling him what he needs to do to succeed,while the white mopes around.Not sure about the company.
    At&T already has the dumb Caucasian color announcer with a black play by play man--though the white guy looks semi-normal at least.
    If whites are the brains behind the making of these ads,why are they choosing to denigrate their own race?I don't understand why they persist in a propaganda campaign that pushes the idea that only ugly,stupid whites exist in a world of smooth,black model types.
    Is it to boost the ego of the blacks or destroy what's left of white people's pride?Do these producers want more whites to commit suicide?It's sick,whatever their motive.

    --GR Anonymous
