Sunday, April 07, 2019

FNC’s Scandalous Series Returns Tonight with a Review of the William Kennedy Smith Rape Trial

By David in TN
Sun, Apr 7, 2019 5:45 p.m.

FNC's Scandalous series returns tonight with a review of the William Kennedy Smith rape trial

Tonight (Sunday) on the Fox News Channel, at 8 p.m. ET and 11 p.m. ET, they present the conclusion of the William Kennedy Smith rape case with the trial. 

We've mentioned before how the performance of the female prosecutor was embarrassing to Marcia Clark, then at Deputy DA in the LA County DA's office. Clark bragged to her colleagues about females being superior to male prosecutors. They needled Clark about Moira Lasch's poor cross-examination skills.

Of course, Clark herself put on the worst performance ever by a prosecutor in a big case a few years later. And "failed upward" ever since. Here is Dominick Dunne's Vanity Fair article on the verdict.


  1. Marcia probably is better than the male prosecutors. That just says more about the male prosecutors and their ineptness.

  2. The Vanity Fair thread didn't work.

    Google: "Vanity Fair William Kennedy Smith" and you'll find the Dominick Dunne article.
