Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Murdered Toddler Found in Oven; Grandmother Charged!


Murder victim Royalty Marie Floyd lived for only 20 months, and will not receive any justice

At Fox4News.


Murder suspect Carolyn Jones, 48



  1. They will say the negress is crazy.

  2. "Lissen honey,I wuz bakin' cookies and we got a lot of kids in the house and I can't keep my eye on all of them.Anyways,all of a sudden I smell chocolate burnin'--not from the cookies ya know,but then I knew what it was...I runs to the stove and open the door and one of the kids had climbed into the oven.I think she wanted a cookie.I didn't know she wuz in there til then, officer.That's all I know."
    Probable lie grandma told to the police.
    --GRA--I'm a white man

  3. Lesta Holt asked,"What would you do if you won $1 billion dollars(from the megamillions)?"
    Try to buy NBC and fire Holt.Yes I know NBC is probably worth many billions more than that,but maybe I could bribe an NBC exec to fire that worthless black.
    Tonight,he and his reporters,accused Trump of trying to cover up the Saudi murder,updated a white doctor arrested of rape,accused a white woman of calling the police on a negro at a kids sports event ("Is this just another example of whites calling the police on blacks for no reason?")
    I was going to make that last one my "Laugh of the Day".
    It drives Holt nuts I take it,when blacks aren't allowed to be black...lol,and whitey drops a dime on them.That includes white cops who don't allow blacks to run criminally rampant,or white men who defend their homes from black intruders.The white woman was cleared of any impropriety in making the phone call,by the way.
    There was another report,on NNN,of a white cop who was dispatched to investigate two young blackies waving a gun.Video showed the kids put the gun down when told.The cop said,"I could have shot you."It was a bb gun that looked like the real thing.
    Holt remarked,"A powerful learning moment for all cops."
    Wrong again Lesta--and watch out.If I win that lottery,I'm going to try to get you fired(and drop a mill on N.S.)
    --GR Anonymous

  4. More than 60 infant bodies found at another funeral home in Detroit
    POSTED 6:50 AM, OCTOBER 20, 2018, BY FOX 17 NEWS,
    DETROIT, Mich.– Police have discovered dozens of fetuses in a second funeral home on the east side of the state.

    They raided the Perry Funeral Home near Warren on Friday where remains of 63 fetuses have now been removed.

    Conditions of the fetuses are not known as well as where they were stored.

    According to police, about 37 fetuses were found in cardboard boxes and 26 in a freezer and a state oversight agency has closed the west side funeral home.

    Jason Moon of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs says some of the bodies had dates of death in 2015.

    Perry Funeral Home is now the second funeral facility in Detroit to have infant fetuses found inside.

    Several cremated remains were found at the former Cantrell Funeral Home just last weekend where mummified remains of 10 fetuses were discovered in a ceiling.

    Police are still investigating/
    GRA:Probably another black run joint.Blacks like to hide their baby murders from the PO-lice.Yet,they're still reproducing faster than whites--even with these types of birth control methods.Go figure.
