Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Race, IQ, and the Late Paul Allen of Microsoft



Tue, Oct 16, 2018 8:46 pm
By Reader-Researcher R.C.


Team — Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

James Allard is the COO at AI2. James specializes in Operations and Finance and has had founder or leadership roles in organizations ranging from a large multi-national software company to start-ups in various industries.


I read the tributes to him yesterday while I was on a break at work.

Decided to check out his Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

Zero blacks on the institute's roster.

Why is that?

By the way, the staffers hold PhDs from the best universities in the United States: Brown, Stanford, Harvard, Cornell, Caltech, Stanford, University of Illinois at Champaign, University of Texas at Austin, University of Maryland, Carnegie Mellon and, finally, the University of Washington at Seattle.


Could the dearth of blacks in the ranks of employees be due to the fact that the institute emphasizes IQ, not only in its title, but in all research it performs?

1 comment:

  1. See the latest picture of Bill Gates? The man looks bad too. All the money in the world as they say.
