Saturday, October 20, 2018

More that We Can Thank Mexico for: 44-Minute Documentary, Not in Vein, Shows How Mexican Drug Cartels are Responsible for Opioid Crisis

-----Original Message-----

From: A Reader Somewhere in America
Sent: Sat, Oct 20, 2018 5:58 p.m.
Subject: The 44-minute documentary, Not in Vein, which begins on Arizona's "super-highway for drug smuggling," is narrated by investigator Sara Carter, who travels from the U.S.-Mexican border all the way to Ohio to learn about the harsh realities surrounding the

Mastrangelo: "Not in Vein" Opioids Documentary Exposes the ...

The Dark Wire's eye-opening new documentary, Not in Vein, illustrates how Mexican drug cartels utilize the porous border with America to their advantage, making billions of dollars and killing Americans at record rates in the process. The documentary provides a powerful testimonial to securing the southern border to combat the opioid crisis.

RSA: Heck, even my oldest brother blamed the Mexican drug cartels for the heroin crisis.

He's a medical doctor in Ohio, just outside of Cincinnati. During the week he works as a contract general practitioner at a clinic. On the weekends he works at a detox facility administering opioid addiction treatments.

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