Saturday, October 20, 2018

Iowa Rep. Steve King Reveals His "White Nationalist" Views in Austrian Interview

-----Original Message-----
From: "W"
Sent: Sat, Oct 20, 2018 5:48 p.m.
Subject: Iowa Rep. Steve King reveals his white nationalist views in Austria interview

At The Daily Mail Online.

1 comment:

  1. Steve King is only one man and when pressed to give details of how to turn the "Great Replacement" of whites (by Muslim,blacks,Mex)around,he fails to impress.But he's only one man.We need 534 others,plus a President,to be on the same page.
    This "Great Replacement",of whites is unbelievably being guided by--WHITES!!!Where else in history,has it ever been noted,of a race of people who decided to assist other races in the implementation of their own extinction?
    People and civilizations never go down without a fight.But here we are being guided by whites(I didn't say white Christians)to jump off a cliff--and we're doing it!
    Mass suicide--for what reason?
    Until more than Steve King talks honestly about what's happening and the ramifications thereof--white people are in extreme danger.
    Trump?It's time.
    --GR Anonymous
