Saturday, September 01, 2018

Catch This Hilarious Send-Up of the John McCain Funeral!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


Anonymous said...

That IS hilarious.In this case--with Trump--satire and exaggeration don't really stray too far,from what would have actually happened if DJT showed up yesterday.

Anonymous said...

"The America of John McCain ":

A corporate plutocracy of backroom dirty-dealings and traitorous actions, where a handful of shitbag people call all the shots and promote unnecessary wars because they benefit the corporate overlords.

THAT is "McShithead's America", and ANYONE related to McShithead can go fuck themselves, as far as I'm concerned.

I caught some footage of today's funeral event for the seemed like EVERY piece of political shit came out to the party...and all I could think was, "Where's a terrorist attack when you need one?"
---Zerohedge comment.
Many others responses were just as savvy:"A funeral is not the place to roast a President."
"Turning a funeral into political propaganda is disgusting."
"That's the latest thing(as with Aretha Franklin's funeral--and Al Sharpton in particular),have a nationally covered service in order to make political swipes at Trump."
America Great?Not judging from some of the politicos at THOSE two funerals.
Bill Clinton was heard yesterday asking when his next funeral gig was (sarc.)Obama said,"I thought by the time McCain died,the coup was supposed to be complete and I'd be back in the White House.That's what I was told anyways."(sarc.)
Megan McCain was partially correct.America USED to be great (50 years ago),but now it isn't.
--GR Anonymous