Friday, August 31, 2018

Video: Watch Protesters Call for “Love,” While Embracing Evil

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Charlie Kirk‏Verified account @charliekirk11 Jul 1

Yesterday I decided to go see what these protests were all about These protests weren’t about helping kids. This is about hating America and hating Trump I’ve never seen a group of people with so much love for MS-13, ISIS, and law breaking illegals Must watch! RT!

1 comment:

  1. Charlie Kirk got caught banging Candace Owens in Philly a few weeks ago,I'm totally convinced of that.Their little breakfast,interrupted by egg throwers,was supposed to be a nice post-coital meal.Strictly on a philosophical basis,you cannot be for improving white America and also tap the black chicks.As I've said,Candace Owens has her own agenda--which would seem to preclude white people prospering along with blacks(I believe all blacks want to take this country from whites and turn it into a giant South Africa,including genocide of whites).I've seen her on FOX interviews,attempting to convince negroes to switch parties--for their own economic good.The Turning Point organization would seem to differ with Owens own personal goals of "trying to steer blacks away from liberalism to conservative politics."
    In the final analysis,for whites to regain control of a rapidly disintegrating situation in this country,guys like Kirk must not allow blacks to get the advantage.Charlie Kirk has to realize that Candace Owens is looking out for HER race,by engaging Kirk in sexual encounters.With sex,she stays in the upper power level by keeping Kirk's libido satisfied.If Kirk understands that premise--that he's being used--and STILL allows it to happen,I can only draw one conclusion:Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens are BOTH as phony as two $2 bills--with Obama's picture on it.
    --GR Anonymous--I'm a white American.
