Thursday, August 30, 2018

Breaking News: Louis CK’s Newest Sex Crime!

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 8:06:00 P.M. EDT
Brace yourself for this earth-shattering news report from Fox News:

Yes, two women felt “uncomfortable” during a set by comedian Louis CK when he made a “rape whistle joke.” Thank you to Fox News and the other mainstream media outlets for bringing this monumentally important story to our attention. I suppose I can at least forgive Fox because they report non-PC news the others won't but the other news outlets I can't excuse.

We're already used to #MeToo absurdity but this is taking it to the next level. They're going to continue to pursue and hound men that have been accused of harassment indefinitely.

N.S.: Ever since Rupert Murdoch ceded control to his sons, James and Lachlan, his news properties have become increasingly pc, both in their reporting and their administrative practices.

“The two unnamed women who sat for C.K.'s Sunday set said it was ‘similar to his usual material,’ Vulture reported, but included a play on the phrase ‘clean as a whistle’ leading up to a joke about rape whistles not being clean.

“‘When he said 'rape whistle' people were laughing, and I was just sitting there like oh my [expletive],’ the women told Vulture. ‘This is so uncomfortable and so disgusting. Everyone around me was laughing. That was just depressing.’

Comedy Cellar Owner Defends Allowing Louis C.K. To Perform

“The women reportedly said that men and women reacted differently to his presence.

"‘It felt like there were a lot of aggressive men in the audience and very quiet women,’ she told Vulture. ‘It’s the kind of vibe that doesn’t allow for a dissenting voice. You’re just expected to be a good audience member. You’re considered a bad sport if you speak out.’

“One man shouted that it was ‘good to have [C.K.] back,’ the women said.

"‘Our voice is definitely not going to be prioritized in that space,’ one of the women told the publication. ‘How do you think the women in that room felt? It's just really frustrating.’"
Louis C.K. thought that if he pleaded guilty at the equivalent of a show trial, but as Jerry PDK noted, there is no rehabilitation with these people. (I once checked out a video of the guy, and didn’t find him funny, but other people have assured me that he is capable of being humorous.)

Some feminazi activists went to a comedy performance, planning on being offended, were offended, and then complained about being offended.

Meanwhile, the Fox operative who blogged on this, Amy Lieu, is herself a professional Asian, professional female, affirmative action hire. (How long until she initiates her frivolous lawsuit?)

Lieu didn’t even attempt to present both sides. Her thing is a reportorial, but it’s not even acceptable as an editorial, due to its bizarre style. (She acts as though it were normal for someone to go to a comedy show, and expect to get equal time to argue against the comic.) She got additional protection from Fox, in the form of having all comments shut off.

“Sign up for Vulture's Splitsider comedy newsletter

“Bringing you inside jokes, twice a week.”

After I responded to Vulture’s solicitation by submitting my email, I got the following message:

“*Sorry, there was a problem signing you up.”

So, they’ll solicit me as a reader, but then insult me, because I’m on their whitelist.

Vulture, which first “reported” on this non-incident, is the racial socialist anti-culture blog of New York magazine. It is policing comedians in New York, the way the Human Rights Commission does in Canada. I’d comment accordingly, but I’ve been permablocked at all of New York magazine’s platforms.

Vulture does things like posting pc lists of screenwriters. It posted a list of the “100 best screenwriters of all time” a few months ago, in which many of the greatest were either pushed way down the list (Ingmar Bergman, Ben Hecht), or eliminated altogether (Robert E. Sherwood and Robert Riskin), in favor of pc nothings whom I’d never heard of, and can’t recall. In other words, it’s a communist politburo.

Although the committee elected Billy Wilder the greatest screenwriter of all time, I suspect that was because he was a Jew. In any event, while Wilder was certainly one of the greatest directors of all time (Double Indemnity, Sunset Boulevard, Ace in the Hole, Witness for the Prosecution, Some Like It Hot, The Apartment, etc.) he was far from the greatest screenwriter. Wilder always wrote as part of a team. We have no great screenplays written as solo (or virtually solo) jobs by Wilder, which is a deal-breaker. By contrast, Hecht (Notorious), Sherwood (The Best Years of Our Lives), and Riskin (It Happened One Night) had no problem flying solo.

The committee ranked the Coen Brothers second, Quentin Tarantino fourth, Spike Lee 15th and George Lucas 16th.

Then again, determining who the greatest screenwriters were, was clearly never a concern of the committee.

Just like being funny is no concern of any of New York magazine’s various culture committees.


  1. Maybe a rape whistle should be given away with each issue of "Vulture" magazine sold,because after wasting any amount of time with its contents,a rape whistle could be just the perfect anecdote to the purchaser's feeling of being violated (and robbed).
    I wonder how many times "Vulture"interviewed Michelle Wolf and Samantha B for their liberal/comedy magazine (today's oxymoron of the day).Liberal comedy,liberal comedy.
    George Carlin could have done a bit on the subject:
    "My whole career,I was thought of as a "liberal standup",but I was for free speech--which,today,makes me a....conservative."
    "The difference between a liberal comic and a conservative comic is that the liberal comic can say the "7 Dirty Words" on TV and still keep their job--especially if they're using them as adjectives for President Trump."
    "Here's the funniest joke ever told by a liberal comedian,repeated many times:'Yes Mr.Nightclub owner,I really thought I was going to get paid for that performance.'"
    --GR Anonymous-I'm a white man

  2. jerry pdx
    To gain an appreciation of Louis CK's humor might be best done through his cable show "Louie", an FX comedy series written by and starring Louie himself. Excellent show that mixes realistic plot lines with standup performances. I grew up watching All in the Family, MASH, Taxi, WKRP in Cincinnati & Cheers, all intelligent and high quality sitcoms which always appealed to me, when I first watched Louie it was immediately engrossing, entertaining and very funny. From there I started watching his stand up performances on Youtube with an appreciation of his humor. He was taking a haitus from the series but when the allegation of sexual misconduct came out FX "suspended" the show, whether it comes back or not I don't know. If you have FX maybe it's being shown in reruns but it is available in DVD, IMHO it's worth the purchase price and I wouldn't say that about many TV shows nowadays.

    One thing about Louis CK I didn't like was his PC/liberal beliefs but I'm wondering if he is going to change his philosophy now that he has been bitten by the PC agenda. I hope he doesn't turn into a virtue signaling weasel trying to regain his liberal credential. Maybe he's learned something about the liberal agenda and what it's really all about and will change his material to reflect a more realistic world, I doubt it but I'd love to see that happen.
