Saturday, July 29, 2017

Video: Did U.S. Border Officers Exact Poetic Justice against a Mexican Drug Mule?

By A Texas Reader

Video shows U.S. border officers ordering Mexican teen to drink liquid meth that killed him

Cruz Velazquez Acevedo began convulsing shortly after he drank the liquid methamphetamine he'd brought with him from Tijuana, Mexico. The 16-year-old had just crossed the U.S.-Mexico border to San Diego and was going through the San Ysidro Port of...


  1. I read the article. I didn't see any concern voiced for the Americans whose lives would be ruined or ended by using dangerous illegal drugs from Mexico, like the stuff the kid was transporting.

  2. The jew media is only concerned with non-Caucasian lives and cultures. Vile wretches.

  3. "'But he's a 16-year-old boy with all the immaturity and bad judgment that might be characteristic of any 16-year-old kid,' . . . 'He was basically a good boy, he had no record, but he did something stupid.'"

    He knew exactly what he was doing and what the consequences would be. Hate to say it but true.
