Saturday, July 29, 2017

Real Men vs. Cowards, Bullies, and Killers


Audie Murphy as a lieutenant, ca January 1945. (I can’t tell from the picture if he was a Second or First Lieutenant, but when the recent battle that had won him his Congressional Medal of Honor began, he was a Second Louie.) Murphy was our most decorated fighting man in The War, and while starting out as a buck private, eventually made it to major.

By David in TN

This piece by R. Cort Kirkwood is taken from his book, Real Men, with which we are familiar. Note the account of the confrontation between Lawrence Tierney and a fellow actor at a Hollywood party. The other actor was a fellow named Audie Murphy.

At Taki’s Mag.


Lawrence Tierney was a notorious thug who played cut-throats in pictures. He was once handsome, but booze, brawls, and age robbed him of his looks, such that his outside eventually matched his inside.

1 comment:

  1. Audie was about five foot two inches and weighed about 100 pounds. "it is not the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the dog!!" - - Eisenhower.
