Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Academic Standards at Stanford, R.I.P.

By Nicholas Stix

Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for the accompanying Fox News article.

Complete “App” Essay that Got a Student Accepted to Stanford University,

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The above, three-word “application essay,” consisting solely of the slogan of a black supremacist, cop-killer movement which was copied and pasted for a total of 100 times, sufficed to get self-described “activist” Ziad Ahmed admitted to the school.

According to Fox News,
“I didn’t think I would get admitted to Stanford at all, but it’s quite refreshing to see that they view my unapologetic activism as an asset rather than a liability,” Ahmed told Mic.
Black Lives Matter is a criminal organization, in that its activities are all involved in inciting and carrying out criminal behavior, including inciting the murders of policemen, which is a crime.

The only statement Ziad Ahmed made about his college plans, was to continue committing crimes.

According to U.S. News & World Report, Stanford is tied with Columbia for fifth-best university in the country, following only Princeton, the University of Chicago, and Yale, aka Jerelyn Luther University.

Note that already during the early 1980s, Princeton accepted and four years later graduated a woefully unqualified Michelle LaVaughn Robinson (now known as Michelle “Obama”), the University of Chicago once offered the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” a tenure-track professorship, in spite of his not having published a single academic publication, peer-reviewed, or otherwise.

And during the 2014-2015 academic year, Columbia University rape hoaxer, Emma “Mattress Girl” Sulkowicz, who falsely charged a classmate and sometimes sex partner with “rape,” carried a mattress around campus, for which she got college credit (and probably “A”s), a hoax, without which she likely could not have graduated. Emma Sulkowicz went so far as to bring her mattress to her graduation ceremony, in violation of Columbia’s rules.

Sulkowicz’ victim exposed her hoax, when he released her text messages repeatedly begging him for anal sex, after the date she claimed he had raped her.

I suppose there is a certain poetic justice to an Overpriced, Private University (OPU) issuing a fraudulent degree to a hoaxer, while exposing its graduation ceremony rules as also being fraudulent.

Somehow I doubt, however, that Sulkowicz’ victim, whose life she ruined, and who felt forced to leave the country, would see any irony in the situation.

More recently, in the fall of 2015, Yale, aka Jerelyn Luther University, the Detroit of the Ivy League, surrendered to black supremacist Luther and her allies.

Luther had publicly cursed out her college master, Professor Nicholas Christakis. Christakis’ “crime”: He and his wife had criticized a campus multicultural goon squad, which intimidated students out of wearing the Halloween costumes of their choice.

Christakis and his wife, also a Yale professor, both resigned.

Not only did Yale President Peter Salovey not expel Jerelyn Luther for extreme misconduct, but he abolished the term, “master,” out of white submission to black supremacists and white racial socialists.

How can OPUs support such racist and sexist outrages, while not suffering in US News & World Report’s rankings?

• Clearly, “US News” has no academic or moral scruples;

• The real students at OPUs, who are overwhelmingly white and East Asian men, do the academic heavy lifting, while the Jerelyn Luthers, Michelle Robinsons, Emma Sulkowiczes and Ziad Ahmeds get free rides, including massive grade inflation; and

• Since all OPUs engage in such outrages, which are simply welfare students’ extension of the privileges granted them via universal affirmative action, there are no offsetting outrages.

Fox News: “New Jersey teen gets into Stanford after writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on application.”


  1. "it’s quite refreshing to see that they view my unapologetic activism as an asset rather than a liability,”

    Refreshing! That is a word that far left uses often. This moron Bangladeshi get into Stanford based on this? An opportunity [admission to Stanford] FEW whitey ever get. And did so based on BS and nothing more?

  2. This is the level of education at college level in this country now. Just think what it is at lower levels, say at high schools. There was this article that 4 out of 5 kids can't read a clock now. I don't see how three black women figured out how to get Whites to the moon and back. Their ancestors couldn't figure out how to use a wheel nor make a sea worthy boat. Something is very wrong here. It isn't the blacks fault, obviously.

  3. Speaking of R.I.P.
    The great,great comic Don Rickles passed away today at age 90.Kidney failure got him,and as they say,if there's an afterlife,Rickles is reunited with his hero Francis Albert Sinatra.
    It's pretty close,but I think that "Mr.Warmth" was the second funniest person I've seen in my lifetime.Johnny Carson has to be very slightly ahead of Rickles,but for loud laughs...Rickles wins.Outrageous,politically incorrect,quick as a rattlesnake and a great roaster of the greats on the "Dean Martin Roasts",he was one of a kind.
    I looked him up on YouTube recently and although he had to be helped on stage to sit in a chair,he was still doing shows in the last 6 months and still as well as ever.
    Jimmy Kimmel idolized him and it seems like Mr.Rickles was on his show fairly recently--3-6 months ago?
    I suggest a lookup of Rickles appearing on the Jerry Lewis Telethon,the year Jerry weighed over 300 lbs,because of lung drugs he was taking.
    You wondered what Rickles would say to Lewis,with him being in such a hideous condition.
    Rickles comes out and says,"Look at you sitting there like a Jew whale."
    Lewis exploded in laughter,and the barbs got even sharper--to Lewis' delight.
    He was the only one who could pull that off--and much more.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. "It isn't the blacks fault, obviously."

    It never is.

  5. I can remember back in the early 80s when Eddie Murphy, at the time a new cast member on "Saturday Night Live," had this funny bit where he would imitate a radical black poet, speaking to admiring white idiots, and recited: "Kill my landlord/Kill my landlord/Kill my landlord/Why do I want to kill my landlord?" That's what this black moron who got into Stanford with his #BlackLivesMatter jive reminded me of. A young bell hooks.
