Wednesday, April 05, 2017


Since March 25, I have covered the racist black lynching, in Cincinnati, of innocent, unarmed, white driver Jamie Urton. Urton was reportedly slaughtered by two pistol-packing black felons, Jamall (aka Jamal) Killings and Deonte Baber (aka Barber).

While a 911 dispatcher was, unbeknownst to Killings, recording him, Killings confessed (or bragged) to his four-year-old son that he had “killed” Urton, and acknowledged that the boy had run into the street, which Killings would later lie abut to the media and police.

(No one seems to know how this came about. Apparently, a third party had dialed 911, unbeknownst to Killings.)

Yesterday, Killings surrendered to police, who had shown no interest in apprehending him, after 11 days.

His fellow suspect, Deonte Baber (aka Barber), is still at liberty, and presumably being treated like a hero.

I have been writing about black supremacism since the summer of 1989. That’s when I wrote essays on that topic (among others) for the first issue of my magazine, A Different Drummer, which however, did not come from the printer until early April 1990.

Twenty years later, some other men started writing about black crime. Some of these guys still do excellent work, while many others burned out after a couple of years.

However, while I pound away, publishing and re-publishing exposés on black supremacism and related subjects, I have bills to pay, and a family to feed: The mortgage, property taxes, utilities, food, etc. And New York City is a very expensive town.

Thus, I am seeking to raise $100,000 this year, in order to stay afloat.

I considered a goal of $50,000, but figured that whatever goal one has, one is likely to come up short. If you’re a student, you don’t shoot for a “B” on a test, unless you tend to do lousy on them. You shoot for an “A.”

Please hit the PayPal “Donate” button at the top of the page, and make a generous donation of whatever you can afford.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix


  1. "(No one seems to know how this came about. Apparently, a third party had dialed 911, unbeknownst to Killings.)"

    This is going to be Treyvons in FLA all over again with the phone call and such. Much is going to be made of this, the analysis, the voice experts, etc. A recording played over and over.

  2. How many people would brag to a four year old about killing someone?

  3. "How many people would brag to a four year old about killing someone?"

    When it comes to blacks that would be a high count.
