Friday, August 26, 2016

Today’s Missing Associated Press Story Has Something to Do with France and Burkinis


Can you guess which subject is the Burkini Beauty?

Aug 26, 9:08 AM EDT
France's top administrative court overturns burkini ban amid shock and anger worldwide

PARIS (AP) -- France's top administrative court overturns burkini ban amid shock and anger worldwide.

This is the second AP story I’ve reprinted, of late, which has no story, i.e., the body of the text simply repeats, verbatim, the headline. Period.

That both stories are concerned with jihad, aka Islam, is no coincidence. The earlier story was about the murderous Moslem attack, in which they killed 86-year-old Father Jacques Hamel, in his Church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, Near Rouen in Normandy, France, while shouting “Allahu Akbar!,” wounded a nun, and took several parishioners hostage. Police shot and killed the two Moslems.


The word “assailants” was meant to hide from readers that the attackers were Moslem terrorists.

In the second story, read literally, “amid shock and anger worldwide” is ambiguous as to was outraged, and at what—the initial burkini ban, or its judicial repeal?


Goodnight, Fatima, Fatima, Goodnight. Goodnight, Fatima, Goodnight, Fatima, I'll see your mangled, bloody corpse, in my nightmares. Females like this one are in much more danger from Moslems than from Christians. She's dressed "like a prostitute," according to many Moslems, who just might chop her up.

Why not publish an informative article, without the forcing readers into a guessing game? That’s because the AP is a racial socialist political outfit and, as an ally of Islam, wishes to leave readers as confused and confounded as possible.

Thus, since we know that Moslems are evil, and that they can be found in much of the world, while Frenchmen are no longer so conquest-oriented, the “shock and anger worldwide” must refer to Moslems. But what were they shocked and angered over? Like blacks, Moslems are shocked and angered by everything, and thus could have been angered both by the Burkini ban and its judicial rescinding, but based on longtime study of the AP, I’m going to wager that the latter was talking about the initial rescinding.

But I shouldn’t have to wager.

And the AP operative’s phrasing, “amid shock and anger [riots] worldwide,” leaves no doubt that he means that the ban was responsible for the violence, and that the violence was justified.

Why should Moslems outside of France have any say in the matter? Why should the Associated Press support jihad? Beats me.


More future dead "prostitutes"


  1. The Muslim has no tradition of beach life or swimming, etc. If done then strictly the purview of men. A woman should stay in the home damnit.

  2. jerry pdx
    Swimming can be very dangerous as it is, when you're weighed down by heavy clothing that absorbs water it becomes even more so, I suppose it's no wonder that Muslim women might be a little more afraid of the water than women who don't have to cover up. Also, Muslim men can't seem to handle even the sight of a woman's face without becoming sexually agitated so a woman even covered with cloth can have the outlines of her body revealed when she's been immersed so Muslim men probably discourage them to swim also. So females in the Muslim world can't enjoy the beach or water like men an if they do go swimming they have to risk their lives more.

  3. "Muslim men can't seem to handle even the sight of a woman's face without becoming sexually agitated so a woman even covered with cloth can have the outlines of her body revealed"

    Hair, feet and hands seem to have a special attraction for the Muslim men. Cover the eyes too with sunglasses and wear gloves. A Muslim man might see the eyes or hands of a woman and become aroused.
