Wednesday, June 22, 2016

John Derbyshire, on the Fraudulent "University" that a Presidential Candidate Made Millions Off of; No, Not Trump University, the Clintons' Laureate University!

Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

"We’ve all heard of Trump University by now, the ramshackle for-profit enterprise offering real-estate secrets to willing buyers, to which The Donald unwisely lent his name.

"Issues relating to this outfit are in litigation, as we all know. What I say about that is: Let the chips fall where they may.

"Meanwhile, how many of us had heard of Laureate University? I hadn’t, until the New York Post and Investor’s Business Daily ran editorials about it this week.

"Laureate is another for-profit operation offering to teach you business savvy. And guess what: it too is being sued by disgruntled customers...."

[Read the whole thing at VDARE.]

1 comment:

  1. Love this story--take it and run with it Trump.
    --GR Anonymous
