Thursday, June 23, 2016

BREXIT, Eurabia, and Oriana Fallaci (Graphic)


  1. It's amazing that Britains voters were given a chance by the powers that be to decide on such an important issue of self determination(unless it's a mirage),but it looks like they're going to blow it.Stock markets are treating the vote as a done Brexit.There was an assassination that turned the vote around last week and LEAVE has not recovered the momentum it had previous to that.
    The chance to tell the EU to shove their policies,which have caused economic retrenchment and immigratory excess,will not happen again.Bookmakers have it as a lock,though one analyst I read sees it as 51.3 leave and 48.7 stay...wishful thinking I'm afraid.Too bad if it fails.
    ---GR Anonymous

  2. Actually,I wonder if the elites will let the referendum mean anything in the first place.As with Greece,they always manage to delay change.Change to the elites is anathema and they try to avoid it at all costs.The vote is probably a ruse...the more I think about it.--an illusion,at best,of democracy.I must be in an especially foul mood this
    --GR Anonymous

  3. Breaking news:German movie theater attacked...50 injured.Not too late to vote Brexit.
    GR Anonymous

  4. Of course the "migrants" to England are all against the British leaving the EU. They become the head and the native born and ethnic English become the tail. The "migrant" is the master now and will use the ballot box to do so.

  5. I always thought Oriana was a commie or a cryto-commie. But she did know what way the wind was blowing.

  6. I remember you had supposedly "made it" when interviewed by Oriana Fallaci.
