Sunday, June 26, 2016

“Brexit is Proof that Trump Will be the Next President”: “Anti-Immigration” Message and Shift to the Right that Led to UK's Seismic Break with Europe Draws Parallels with Rise of The Donald

By Unknown Reader

N.S.: I just hunted fruitlessly after the identity of the buddy who sent me this headline and link. Sorry.

At the Daily Mail.


  1. Will Brexit vote foretell OUR election?
    I've been doing a lot of reading on the British vote regarding Great Britain leaving the European Union.This happens Thursday and a theory is going around that whether Brexit occurs or not--the result will be a probable indicator of whether the status quo is ready to be challenged..
    A vote to leave would probably indicate that a populism in favor or looking out for your homeland,to reverse the damage that liberal politicians have caused with immigration run amok,is starting a wave that could wash right into Washington DC this November.In otherwards,a Brexit vote would indicate that Trump's probabilities of winning would go up.

    --GR Anonymous
    This was from the day before the Brexit vote.Not sure if this is what you were looking for.

  2. That was from June 22nd at 2:56pm.I probably read various reports on Zerohedge initially.
    --GR Anonymous.

  3. Politifact Says Trump Is Right: Hillary Clinton Supports ‘500% Increase in Syrian Refugees’

    Darko Vojinovic/AP

    by MICHAEL PATRICK LEAHY15 Jun 2016161

    Politifact, the left-of-center mainstream media “fact-checker,” has some bad news for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

    Donald Trump was right when he said Hillary Clinton wants “a 500 percent increase in Syrians refugees” in his Manchester, New Hampshire speech on Monday:

    Each year, the United States permanently admits more than 100,000 immigrants from the Middle East, and many more from Muslim countries outside the Middle East. Our government has been admitting ever-growing numbers, year after year, without any effective plan for our security.

    In fact, Clinton’s State Department was in charge of the admissions process for people applying to enter from overseas.

    Having learned nothing from these attacks, she now plans to massively increase admissions without a screening plan, including a 500% increase in Syrian refugees. (emphasis added)

    This could be a better, bigger version of the legendary Trojan Horse.
    ---GR Anonymous
