Sunday, June 26, 2016


I just checked out my Blogger page, and it says that I have published 10,539 posts—at this blog alone—since March 16, 2006, and until a few years ago, I only occasionally blogged.

That’s a testament to something. Stupidity? No, I don’t like that interpretation. Insanity? That sounds even worse than stupidity.

Here’s what I like: Courage and perseverance. Don’t they beat the heck out of stupidity and insanity?

Please hit the PayPal “donate” button at the top, and make a generous donation of as much you possibly can, so that I can continue to be (insert positive adjectives of your choice).

Thanks, in advance!


Nicholas Stix


  1. Irrespective of any political leanings, your blog is effectively a rigorous tutorial in proper English and journalism ethics, through innumerable annotated case studies.
    These same case studies have proven that a 'Journalism degree', judging by the work of those professionally employed as 'journolists', by and large isn't worth a damn

  2. Congrats...I only wish this site --and its unique point of view--would get more attention from the public.You and our country deserve it.The country needs to be educated,to say the least.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. Shoot off an e-mail to Zofia "Sophie" Zawistowski the poor eternally downtrodden yiddish jew a'mama who had to make that Sophie's Choice! I'm sure she has plenty of dough by now, and I'm sure she would just LOVE to send you a hefty donation! You laud her to-the-Heavens-and-Beyond here, I'm sure Meryl Streep who is die-hard Leftist Hillary supporter appreciates all of your hard work for the conservative cause, die-hard, intense Hillary-the-Mega-Uber- Communist-Jew-Commie-Loving-Jew-Neo-Con-Loving-Jew-Mobster-Loving-Nigger-Loving-Jew/Islamo/NWO-Loving supporting Zofia Sophie Zawistowski, your beloved and precious Meryl Streep "Greatest Actress in Hollywood History!". I'm sure jew yiddish a'mama would simply Love to send you shitloads of dough baby!


    From : Salvatore
