Saturday, April 04, 2015

Jim Snow and Jaime Nieve: Obama’s Central American Invasion Hits New York City Classrooms

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Blood boil alert
By Brad Morris
April 4, 2015
Round Up and Deport Every Illegal Alien in the USA

Blood boil alert. I was talking with a good friend of mine yesterday who is a public school teacher here in New York. He was complaining about the newly instituted teacher evaluations in the school system. My response was that good teachers shouldn't mind being evaluated.

Then he hit me with it. The evaluations encompass the newly installed Central American parasite children who are overwhelming our school system and who have been forced upon us. There is a communication problem because none of these maggots speaks English, but teachers are being forced to deal with this bullshit, whether they like it or not, and it's affecting their evaluations AND their livelihood. So, to recap: In complete contravention of immigration law, and costing the U.S. taxpayer upwards of $700 million annually, our schools and our teachers and students are being forced to deal with a racial restructuring of our communities, with our taxpayer dollars, as Obama creates a one-party state, and we have zero, nada, zilch say in it. Worse still, our elected representatives in Congress are doing nothing about it. We now exist at the whim of a black-run dictatorship.


  1. These kids speak neither English or Spanish. For the most part speak their native American Indian language.
