Saturday, April 04, 2015

#GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries (Video)? Gay Civil Rights are a Bridge too Far for GOP This Week; Come by Next Week

By Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to Countenance.

I’m pleased to see Steven Crowder make the video below, but his rationale is all wet and, unfortunately, it is shared by millions of Republicans.

Crowder is trying to defend both “civil rights,” in the perverted black sense, and religious liberty. To that end, he falsely distinguishes between “discrimination,” for which he gives the example of refusing service to someone simply because he’s black or homosexual, "or an idiot," and refusing service because the would-be customer is gay or black and demands that the baker make a cake that the latter deems to be morally repugnant.

No can do. Neither civil rights in the traditional, true sense of every adult citizen’s liberties that the government must respect, nor “civil rights” in the perverted, dishonest, black supremacist (and now, homosexualist) sense of the privileges that accrue to certain, politically protected groups, to all non-protected groups' detriment, recognize Crowder’s distinction.

According to real civil rights, the baker has the right to deny anyone service for any reason, including the mere color of his skin, the fact that he is or appears to be a homosexual, a Jew, wears shoes the baker doesn’t like, etc. This is called “freedom of association,” and is a fundamental First Amendment right.

Prior to Brown v. Board of Education, freedom of association was Holy Writ. It still is. The problem is that the elites ruling America long ago tore up the U.S. Constitution.

Crowder: “Let’s say you’re a baker, and a gay person walks in and wants a birthday cake.

Fine, no problem, ‘Happy Birthday.’

“Now, if they want to force that baker to make an expressly gay wedding [sic] cake, the baker has the right to not be involved with that particular activity.

“Do not compare this to civil rights…. [Distracting example of gays being murdered by a Moslem regime.]

“Another example. If I’m a baker, and Kanye West comes in, says he wants a wedding cake. To not serve him, simply because he’s black or an idiot would be illegal.

[Here, Crowder is going even beyond the civil rights laws, which do not protect people on the grounds of being stupid! It is not illegal to refuse to serve someone, on the grounds of his being an idiot.]

“Now, if Kanye comes in and says he wants a wedding cake with his lyrics ‘Gold digger broke-(bleep)’ written across the front of it, I can say ‘I’m not quite comfortable with creating this cake,’ and there’s a shop down the street that might be more suitable for you.”

“These laws are not about protecting discrimination against people, but the right of businesses to choose their level of engagement in a specific activity.”

Wrong, Steven Crowder; wrong, GOP. Liberty means the right of businesses to discriminate against people, or it means nothing.

Crowder, like other Republicans, is saying that there’s good civil rights, that privilege blacks, and there’s totalitarian civil rights, that privilege homosexuals, but all civil rights in the modern sense are totalitarian. As with other Republicans (and glibertarians), there are no principles underlying his thinking. He long ago submitted to black supremacist “civil rights” and, given time, will likewise submit to homosexualist “civil rights.”

Actually, the two leaders of the Indiana Legislature, Republicans both, now seek to gut the RFRA, and bring about “gay civil rights” to destroy Christians this week!

HIDDEN CAM: #GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries? (


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