Thursday, March 05, 2015

Ferguson Reports: A Tale of Two DOJs (Including Good News!)

By Nicholas Stix

As Jared Taylor’s talk below notes, the Ferguson report by the Justice Department’s Criminal Division found that Darren Wilson was a diligent, honest policeman who told the truth about his fatal encounter with racist, would-be cop-killer Mike Brown.


However, as Steve Sailer’s blog articles have noted, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division report on Ferguson asserted that the Brown incident was caused by the Ferguson PD’s years of targeting black motorists for stops and fines. The CRD even had to lie about the fines, since it turns out that the FPD raised one-third or less per year from fines on drivers than other local police departments.

The CRD report and Holder’s threat to sue the FPD into the poorhouse are acts of retaliation and racist rage, because heroic white policeman Darren Wilson refused to accept his duty to die, or Mike Brown’s license to kill.

Just as America has never had a “Barack Obama” to contend with, except at the level of, say a church service or Nation of Islam convention, it has never dealt with the likes of an Eric Holder.

However, there is some good news in all this: I had expected to find that Holder/Obama had effected a gleichschaltung on the entire DOJ, bringing all departments down to the level of the corrupt, black supremacist, Civil Rights Division. However, if the Brown Report is any indication, the Criminal Division has had some success in resisting Holder.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, the Criminal Division did an objective analysis of the evidence.
