Thursday, March 05, 2015

A Heartfelt and Hilarious Obituary for the Legendary M. Stanton Evans by Ann Coulter


A portrait of the curmudgeon as a young sourpuss

By Nicholas Stix
That conference [in January, 1974] occurred in the middle of the Watergate scandal. If you think things look bad now, right-wingers, imagine how it looked back then. Conservatives were already livid over President Nixon’s wage and price controls, and then got hit with stories about members of the Nixon administration breaking into Democrat headquarters and burglarizing the psychiatrist’s office of Pentagon Papers-leaker Daniel Ellsberg.

Stan confessed to the CPAC conferees that he never liked Nixon until Watergate. He apologized to Nixon speechwriter, Pat Buchanan, saying he wouldn’t have been so tough on the administration if he’d known about “all that great stuff you guys were doing.”



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