Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Defining Feminism

By Nicholas Stix

“The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality.”

Chateau Heartiste

I’ll give it a try.

The goal of feminism is to annihilate almost all normal white men, while leaving a select few as sperm slaves, in order to reproduce the female race. Its leaders haven’t thought beyond that, to matters such as non-white men… or anything else.


  1. The goal of Feminism is to get all the money they can from White Men while encouraging White Women to pursue Non-White Men so they have some allies at the voting booth.

  2. We White men made the mistake of giving femmales the right to vote.

  3. The goal of feminism is to create a society where women are never held accountable or responsible for anything they say or do, where they can never be criticized or mocked, where they can never be denied any whim or demand, and are allowed to behave anyway they like. A society where they have endless rights and privileges and no duties or responsibilities, and where men are always to blame for anything that goes wrong. In other words, they want to create a world where White women can be like blacks.
