Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Jew-Envy at Taki’s Magazine

By Nicholas Stix

What is it, about Taki’s Mag? Kathy Shaidle, who has written there for years, gets so many rabidly anti-Semitic comments all the time at her columns, no matter what the topic, that she has been known to leave a comment, going something like ‘One, two three, Jooos!’

I initially assumed that she must be a fellow member of the tribe. It turns out she’s a nice Catholic girl! The only explanation I could figure for the hate is that her husband is a Jew.

But it’s not just at Shaidle’s columns. Some of these mooks talk about Jews, and nothing but Jews, no matter whom or what they’re responding to.

So, I walked into my VDARE colleague Steve Sailer’s brilliant new column about the UVA Rape Hoax, and it happened.

Grey Wolf • 17 hours ago
Going through the names of the journalists who have weighed in on this matter one does see that ''they'' really do control all sides of a debate - Sabrina Rubin, Ashe Schow, Judith Shulevitz, Jonah Goldberg, Erik Wemple (??).
Over-represented in media and the business of (shallow) opinion peddling, there is no getting away from 'them', whatever your politics are. Why can't they get into farming or other manual labour?
• 40

nicholasstix to Grey Wolf • a few seconds ago


Why has Hollywood been controlled by the J-o-o-o-os, since its inception? Because the J-o-o-o-os risked everything, to found it. No one did anything to stop gentiles from founding their own studios.


As for intellectual life, the Jews have dominated just about every movement, good or ill, including paleoconservatism and paleolibertarianism, based on their high IQ and, in some cases (like those cited), intellectual courage. Hey, even the chief Nazi ideologue was named Alfred Rosenberg!

“([S]hallow) opinion peddling”: Aside from the limited character of your sample, you cite “Jews” who either aren’t Jews (Jonah Goldberg), or whose religion is not known (Ashe Schow and Erik Wemple). Out of five names listed from your already ridiculously small sample, two are likely Jews, and the rest—who knows?

You also surely believe that the New York Times is run by a Jew, when its publisher is actually an Episcopalian anti-Semite.
But, hey, knock yourself out. Found your own network of blogs (they’re free!), and fight back against “them”—if you have the talent, and the work ethic. When you fail, you can still blame “networks” of “Jewish ethnocentrism.”


Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

P.S. I just checked my comment, to see if got any upvotes or responses. The thread Nazi had already sent me down the memory hole!

P.P.S. I checked again, and my comment was restored.


  1. You write for Vdare. It doesn't take much reading between the lines to see Peter Brimelow is clearly Jew-wise.

    For example, he refers to America being ruled by M.O.G.
    This stands for Minority Occupational Government. It's a play on Z.O.G.

    And surely you know what Z.O.G. means.

  2. I’ll let you in on something, dear reader. Almost eight years ago, I was in a room when a certain important but not very famous conservative American intellectual complained about the Jews taking over American cities.

    I had my coming out party that day. I stood up and announced, “I am Nicholas Stix, and I am the head of ZOG!”

    It calmed the speaker right down, and we had a fascinating exchange about Catholic theology and the new Pope.

    Peter Brimelow was in that room.

    Peter is also well aware—who isn’t?—that I’m a belligerent supporter of Israel.

  3. That's what wrecked Caste Football. Don Wassall allowed several Hitler-worshipers to post and some others of this type (especially on the Boxing forum) and the serious posters faded away.

    One of them insisted Israeli intelligence took over downtown Dallas on November 22, 1963. These jokers are as dumb as a sack of hammers, but they like to read each other.

    David In TN

  4. I've always seen this type on Taki's and also on AmRen. The Taki's commenters generally have better spelling and grammar while also composing their diatribes more succinctly. I engage them from time to time as I know how absurdly counterproductive it is to hate your doctors and lawyers while you are being raped and beaten by a mob of feral negroes. They seem to fall generally into two camps: one is just jealous of jews and will hate no matter what while the other camp has succumbed to the first camp and swallowed the narrative that Marxism is a jewish movement. I like to think I'm doing good when I point out the millions of very marxist whites and that our enemy is the 20% or whites with this mental illness rather than the 1% of jews who are infected.

    To be fair, I've never had a comment scrubbed at Taki's but have had dozens scrubbed from AmRen.


  6. Jews are clearly anti-white, they are on the wrong side of every issue related to the health of white people; immigration, diversity, limits on free speech, war mongering on behalf of Israel, and pushing the virulent anti-white agendas in the media and schools. Jews have their own nation, they need to go there. They need to stop promoting issues that result in white genocide.
