Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pat Buchanan: The New Nationalistic Strong Men, and the End of Fukuyama

By Nicholas Stix


1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that Jamie Satterfield was surprised "that a woman had been inside the Chipman Street house of horrors during these atrocities."

    During an exchange of emails with former Los Angeles County Deputy DA Walt Lewis (author of "The Criminal Justice Club) he told me about giving immunity to a suspect.

    The suspect has to be telling the truth and less culpable than the other suspect(s).

    From the start investigators believed Vanessa Coleman was lying. She pretended to have never seen Chris Newsom and little knowledge of what was done to Channon Christian.

    As a witness for the prosecution she wouldn't have been very helpful. Even Jamie once admitted that Coleman was trying to protect Cobbins in police interviews.

    Vanessa Coleman was the exact opposite of Linda Kasabian, who was granted immunity to testify against Charles Mnason and the others.

    David In TN
