Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Did Criminal Justice Authorities Con Knoxville Horror Perp Vanessa Coleman into Incriminating Herself?

By David in TN and Nicholas Stix

David in TN writes,

Jamie Satterfield opines that Vanessa Coleman "may have been hoodwinked" in testifying before the federal grand jury.

Didn't you address this a few years ago? And what kind of law have we got now anyway on the federal and state level?

Nicholas Stix responds,

Indeed, I did, back in 2007. Criminal justice or law enforcement authorities told Coleman she was a “witness,” rather than a suspect, in order to get her to make self-incriminating statements. And it worked.

I was familiar with this ruse from when I was the victim of a hate crime in 1993, but Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau’s ADA, William Kunkel I believe his name was, sprung the line, “You’re not a crime victim, you’re a witness” on me. ADA Kunkel was one of those “liberals” who are so terrified of riding the subway with blacks that they only take taxicabs at night, and support the racist blacks who attack working-class white guys like me, who take the subway.

In this case, things get more complicated. Jamie argues that federal and local prosecutors bamboozled Coleman, and that, because she (Coleman, not Jamie) is the most hated woman in Tennessee, the appellate court judges played fast and loose with the law. However, not so fast, Queen Jamie (she calls herself “the queen of crime writers”). It seems that, as Jamie herself acknowledges, Coleman did not sign off on the immunity agreement, or otherwise dot her “I”s and cross her “T”s. Thus, Vanessa Coleman may herself have bailed the Knox County District Attorney General’s Office out of potentially hot legal water.

“Better Sit Down for This One: Did Vanessa Coleman Get Hoodwinked?”

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