Monday, December 08, 2014

How Can Blacks Possibly Succeed, When They Live in a World of Triggers?

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

By richards
December 8, 2014

A black friend of mine once told me (during a REAL conversation about race) that white people (not all, we are generalizing here) don't have a "trigger" word or action. You can call them "honky" or "cracker," they can be victims of black crime, they can see blacks destroy cities and neighborhoods, but they never stop living their lives. They go to school, they go to work, pay their bills, and continue to live their lives. Is there racism sometimes aimed at them? Yes! Is there reason for them to feel angry? Yes! Can they sometimes feel that they are getting a raw deal in society? Yes! But they keep moving forward. They are too busy pursuing their goals and living the "American Dream" to care whether the black guy at the supermarket yesterday was rude to them because he was racist, or that their teacher wasn't being fair back in 6th grade, or the lady at the DMV could have been more helpful.

Blacks (again we're generalizing), on the other hand, have so many "triggers" that they can't live their lives and achieve their goals. "If the flag above the dome on the state capital 100 miles from here has the stars and bars on it, how am I supposed to make it in the world? How can I get an education and go to college when the waitress at the diner was rude to me? She is probably a racist! How can you expect me to work hard and graduate when my ancestors were slaves? How can I go to work tomorrow when a black drug dealer was shot to death by police in Arizona? How can I better myself when there is racism?"

Is there racism in the US? Of course there is. And there always will be. Freedom means freedom to hate, whether you like it or not. But does it affect YOU? How? How does the fact that Bubba who owns the Dew Drop Inn in Resume Speed, MS hates blacks and calls them the N-word affect YOU? How does that confederate flag hanging above the state capital affect YOU? How does the fact that your great-great-great-great-grandfather was a slave affect YOU? How do any of these things affect you - right now - right here - today in your everyday life? Successful black people face the same things you face, but they get up and go to work each day. They drive right by the confederate flag on the way to bringing their kid to college. They ignore the grumpy (probably racist) guy at the bank when they are making a deposit into their 401K. They don't care that the janitor tells black jokes when they aren't in the room - he is only a janitor. THESE THINGS DON"T AFFECT THEIR PURSUIT OF THEIR DREAMS BECAUSE THEY DON"T ALLOW THEM TO.


  1. Why can't someone just be grumpy? Why do blacks always assume it is about them?

  2. The thing about slavery is : Blacks were also involved in the slave trade. Free blacks owned black slaves. The largest slave plantation down South in 1860 was owned by a black. Blacks in Africa tripped over themselves to sell their fellow blacks to the Jew and Arab slave traders.[ Jews and Arabs owned the slave trade, not Christians].
    American Indians -- "native Americans" -- were also involved in the slave trade and held black slaves.

    Whites were also thrown into chattel slavery. White, Irish Catholics were thrown into chattel slavery. They were sent to the Caribbean for the most part. The Irish were held in an even more intense slavery than the blacks were.

    For centuries Arabs and their blacks would raid Europe and drag out white slaves.

    All the above can be found online with some simple search prompts. David Duke has videos about "White Slavery" and more videos about the subject of whites being thrown into slavery and the centuries old Arab/black raids on/in Europe to drag out White slaves. The blacks conveniently leave out their huge role in the slave trade, as do the Jews and the Arabs conveniently leave out their role in the slave economic system. It was white Christians who put an end to slavery ; For this us whites get blamed for slavery.

    I grew up in the Bronx during the 1960's. The blacks committed so many crimes there the South Bronx morphed into a third-world African nightmare. So many white elderly were brutally murdered. A story that never makes into the history books -- how many white elderly in the South Bronx during the 1960's were brutally murdered in so many ways at the hands of the blacks. [ The black criminals also killed their fellow blacks in large numbers and burned down the homes and businesses of their fellow blacks.]

    The white liberals/leftists, including especially the white history professors, who continue to teach the extremely abridged version of the slave trade whereby only blacks were thrown into slavery and only white Christians were slave owners and the Jew and the black and the Arab role in the slave trade is totally truncated and left-out of the story : I consider the white liberals/leftists, white history professors, all partially guilty for all the violence directed at white Americans. I guess I got white liberal/leftist fatigue along with negro fatigue -- along with history professor fatigue.

    Thank you for your website.

    From : Salvatore

  3. YES, there is a lot of racism in the U>S. Just look at the way the negroes attack whitey and hate whitey and make no pretense to conceal their hate [rap songs].
