Monday, December 08, 2014

Forced Busing Madness Lives! Racist ACLU Seeks to Destroy the Education and Lives of All White, Hartford-Area Children, While Pauperizing Their Parents

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

AP operative Susan Haigh is a skilled reportorialist. She gives little historical background, except to show that the demographic issues that served as the pretext of the ACLU’s racist, totalitarian busing demands, yet without ever making that fact explicit. She is explicit, however, in giving the ACLU’s side.

Nowhere, however, will one learn that forced busing came about when federal judges violated the Supreme Court’s Brown decision, which had called for desegregation, but not for forced integration, and that the USSC later embraced the violation, and thus contradicted itself, while acting as if it were being consistent with its prior ruling. Haigh also reports the racists’ demands for more programs (“incentives”) in order to lure white suburban parents into sending their kids to faraway Hartford schools, while ignoring the fact that this “solution” has been tried before, most expensively in Kansas City, MO, and has never worked. She also fails to report that busing schemes have only harmed, and never helped black or white children, and have always backfired, leading to even more school racial segregation.

Haigh also fails to note that the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled during the early 1990s that there was little need any more for forced busing.

And why are discussions of public educational policy being held in secret? Is that legal? I think not.

Note that this lawsuit is being overseen by the American Civil Liberty Union’s “racial justice programs.” “Liberty” and “racial justice.” Got it?

Many of the reader comments were surprisingly intelligent, on-point, and courageous, for this day and age.

By the way, if you ever encounter the phrase, “voluntary busing” as regards the public schools, it’s a euphemism for forced busing that is imposed not by the courts, but by local school districts. However, it is every bit as racist and coercive as the type previously imposed by the courts.

Demographics complicate Hartford desegregation
By Susan Haigh 15 hours ago
AP-Yahoo! News

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — The shrinking population of white students in Hartford's suburbs is complicating efforts to comply with Connecticut's landmark school desegregation settlement — and even making it harder for some of the capital city's students to attend new schools created to help meet the racial integration goals set by the lawsuit 25 years ago.

State education officials are currently negotiating the latest changes to the agreement, reached with the plaintiffs after they won a 1996 Connecticut Supreme Court ruling, but say it is becoming harder to attract white students to Hartford's schools because they're living farther away.

About half the students living in the 22 communities subject to the agreement, according to state officials, are non-white. That's up from about 38 percent in 2008, when the parties negotiated a revised timetable for progress on reducing racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Another revision was made last year.

"The state is in the position of, how do you meet the requirements of the State Supreme Court given the fact that the demographics of the region have changed so completely," said Kathleen Demsey, state Department of Education's chief financial officer who worked for years on the issue. "Financially, it's a burden for this transportation system, money that could be used for education is being used to bus kids."

But lawyers for the plaintiffs in the case, Sheff vs. O'Neill, say there are still plenty of predominantly white communities in the region that can be drawn from to attract additional students, or where Hartford students can attend school in a racially integrated setting.

"We've made some progress but we still think there's more that can be done," said Dennis Parker, a lawyer for the plaintiffs and director of racial justice programs for the American Civil Liberties Union.

The issue of changing demographics has come up before. In 2013, the parties redefined the standard for diversity, allowing Asian, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders to count toward the 25 percent "white enrollment" threshold. Further changes could be among the proposals in this round of negotiations.

The current agreement expires in June. The groups are conducting confidential talks and would not disclose details of the discussions, except to say a decision is expected soon.

Newly released statistics show 47.5 percent of Hartford's 21,458 minority students are currently enrolled in "reduced-isolation settings," a marked improvement from 11 percent in 2008. That comes after the state spent about $2.25 billion on new magnets and other programs throughout the region over a 10-year period. Yet the plaintiffs contend that progress falls far short of giving every Hartford student the opportunity to learn in a racially integrated setting.

Attorney Martha Stone said the state could create incentives to encourage suburban school districts to take in Hartford students and foster collaborative projects involving different entities, such as the proposed elementary magnet aerospace academy in Rocky Hill.

"There are so many different ideas that have been on the table for years that the state has not taken the initiative on," Stone said.

Unlike other states where there has been forced busing and redrawn school districts, Connecticut's settlement relies on voluntary desegregation and additional state funding. Parents inside and outside of Hartford can choose to enter a lottery in order for their children to approximately 45 magnet schools. Meanwhile, Hartford students can also choose to attend suburban public schools.

But the makeup of some suburbs is changing: East Hartford, for example, shifted from 23 percent minority enrollment in 1989, when the lawsuit was first filed, to 84 percent in 2013. Manchester jumped from 12 percent to 60 percent, Windsor from 31 percent to 71 percent, and Bloomfield from 74 to 96 percent.

According to the Department of Education, those four towns have the highest participation in magnet schools. That had the unintended consequence of leaving some magnet school seats empty because of the low number of white applicants made it hard to maintain the desegregation standard.

Last summer, a group of frustrated Hartford parents staged a rally claiming their children didn't get their first, second or third choices in the lottery.

The Sheff Movement, a coalition of parents, educators and citizens, organized the protest. Phil Tegeler, the group's staff director, said the state needs to invest money to expand the number of available classrooms, as well as the number of schools.

"The demand is much greater than the system right now," he said. "The state needs to be thinking ambitiously and the state needs to think long-term."

616 Comments My Comments

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Richard 12 hours ago
What is it about some cultures, that they can't thrive unless they import other people? If we look around the country, you see the same thing everywhere.

About seventy-percent of all black children are born to single-mothers. That is the single greatest predictor of poverty and failed life-outcomes, but we think that shipping white kids in to black schools will fix black problems.

It isn't a lack of being exposed to white culture by sitting next to white kids in class, but a complete deterioration of black families due to welfare, that has destroyed black communities.

Blacks keep voting for democrats who prescribe welfare as the savior. Democrats are blacks worst enemy.

Democrats keep blacks on the government plantation using the politics of envy and promises of government largesse. Until blacks stop buying what the dems are selling, they will continue to implode as a group.
Collapse Replies (17) Reply
Pat W 11 hours ago
We do not have to ship black children to white schools. We do not have to ship white children to black schools. We need to help change the culture in poor neighborhoods. We need to get family values back in place. We need to encourage family structure with a mom, a dad, and God. That is all that is needed.
I guess the next question is how do we do that? The key word is WE. What are any of us doing to help the situation me included. I don't have the answer yet but at least it is something all of us can think about. After all Jesus took in even the dreaded tax collector to teach him.
Bulldog 11 hours ago
Not only are we not addressing the problems in the black community, we are encouraging the same choices in all the others. Even though we know single motherhood spells doom for her offspring our media and culture has been spewing out anti-family, anti-morals for so long that the idea of marriage is a hoax, and women today are dumb enough to think they can "do it all" and "don't need a man". Whites won't be far behind in the down spin of our culture at the rate things are going.
jay 10 hours ago
Long before America had a black underclass, Europe had the Gypsies. Centuries of effort by every European society, culture, and polity has failed to assimilate them. They remain poor, imbecilic, and criminal. Not only didn't America lean from their European brothers, they have now imported another underclass, the Latinos.

Doesnot 9 hours ago
Jay: agree with you with the exception of "another underclass, the Latinos". This ethnic group has always been here and they tend to be successful than their previous generation. Every ethnicity (immigrant) in the U.S. is successful with the exception of blacks. The solution is simple, harsh, but simple: The U.S. needs to do away with the welfare system and put taking care of people back where it belongs, with the churches.

Seek the Truth 8 hours ago
Dependency, no matter the time in history, culture, economic system, or political system ALWAYS produces crime, misery, and death. The left has spent 50 years building and nurturing known dependency building programs and demands that of exactly the same be done. When one looks back in history, it is easy to find numerous examples of those claiming to represent those that are dependent actually being decidedly against the best interests of those groups. This is the same situation. Sadly, some of the black "leaders" are actually intelligent enough to grasp this but have sold out for money and power. There are some really evil and sick people out there that cannot stop telling everyone how much they care when anyone with any thought can see they do not at all, except for votes.
ChrisS 7 hours ago
118 - 0 and counting

William Mccormack 7 hours ago
Most of the black students in city schools are spawns of ghetto welfare queens with no visible fathers.Their culture and upbringing are atrocious.I would never subject my precious children to this environment

Mike 7 hours ago
Bulldog...THAT's the plan!!!!! If you can't raise them up to society's average, they want to destroy the rest and bring them down to the gutter dweller's level.

Jose 6 hours ago
Thank you LBJ in making sure that the African Americans remain PROPERTY of the DNC for generations... The transformation was so great, that Blacks do not even know it was Republicans who fought for their equality against daddy Gore in the 60's Senate, and of course most Blacks if they know of Lincoln, think he was a Democrat... LOL at their ignorance... For they have won the war on Poverty and are reaping the seeds sown by LBJ...
Dale 6 hours ago
Wow, this is an impressive group of posters, well done all!

Daetalus 5 hours ago
I agree with the sentiment with the exception of welfare being the root cause (I think it's complicated). But you missed a major point - desegregation was to prevent disproportionate availability of opportunities and qualities of education. It was not some sort of plan to have "white success rub off on blacks" or something absurd as that.

Epidot 5 hours ago
What if it is really an IQ issue that can't be solved by spreading the kids around to try to equalize the failure?

edwardo 4 hours ago
even blacks do not want to go to black schools! and why? crime, drugs, gangs, rape! and NO ONE wants to learn! it is cultural, like gangs, drugs, guns, single moms! your not cool if your educated, want to learn, or report crime to the police.

AE 3 hours ago
Bringing black children to white schools isn't going to solve anything while the root causes of their problems lie within the black community itself. Inner city black communities seem not to value education. They prefer to perpetuate their culture of one parent households where children are spawned not nurtured among their other failings. They do not see value in education or in adopting the generally accepted work ethic that made the USA what it is today. They would rather indulge themselves on so called "entitlements".
James 3 hours ago
How about those illegal immigrant kids obama shipped here. The taxpayers are on the hook to pay for everyting for these people. Long term strategy to dilute the United States of it's superiority. It's working as planned.

DONALD 2 hours ago
The plan isn't to raise Black children's educational opportunities, it's to lower White achievement.

Carol 1 hour ago
This time it's not about blacks. "About half the students living in the 22 communities subject to the agreement, according to state officials, are non-white. That's up from about 38 percent in 2008."

This time it's about illegal aliens. That is the 12% difference in the school district's make-up since 2008. What happened since then? 1. Obama started inviting hordes of illegal children. 2. Hartford opened itself up as a sanctuary city, offering licenses, IDs and work permits to illegals.

Richard 12 hours ago
What is it about some cultures, that they can't thrive unless they import other people? If we look around the country, you see the same thing everywhere.

About seventy-percent of all black children are born to single-mothers. That is the single greatest predictor of poverty and failed life-outcomes, but we think that shipping white kids in to black schools will fix black problems.

It isn't a lack of being exposed to white culture by sitting next to white kids in class, but a complete deterioration of black families due to welfare, that has destroyed black communities.

Blacks keep voting for democrats who prescribe welfare as the savior. Democrats are blacks worst enemy.

Democrats keep blacks on the government plantation using the politics of envy and promises of government largesse. Until blacks stop buying what the dems are selling, they will continue to implode as a group.
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Pat W 12 hours ago
We do not have to ship black children to white schools. We do not have to ship white children to black schools. We need to help change the culture in poor neighborhoods. We need to get family values back in place. We need to encourage family structure with a mom, a dad, and God. That is all that is needed.
I guess the next question is how do we do that? The key word is WE. What are any of us doing to help the situation me included. I don't have the answer yet but at least it is something all of us can think about. After all Jesus took in even the dreaded tax collector to teach him.
Bulldog 12 hours ago
Not only are we not addressing the problems in the black community, we are encouraging the same choices in all the others. Even though we know single motherhood spells doom for her offspring our media and culture has been spewing out anti-family, anti-morals for so long that the idea of marriage is a hoax, and women today are dumb enough to think they can "do it all" and "don't need a man". Whites won't be far behind in the down spin of our culture at the rate things are going.
jay 10 hours ago
Long before America had a black underclass, Europe had the Gypsies. Centuries of effort by every European society, culture, and polity has failed to assimilate them. They remain poor, imbecilic, and criminal. Not only didn't America lean from their European brothers, they have now imported another underclass, the Latinos.

Doesnot 9 hours ago
Jay: agree with you with the exception of "another underclass, the Latinos". This ethnic group has always been here and they tend to be successful than their previous generation. Every ethnicity (immigrant) in the U.S. is successful with the exception of blacks. The solution is simple, harsh, but simple: The U.S. needs to do away with the welfare system and put taking care of people back where it belongs, with the churches.

Seek the Truth 9 hours ago
Dependency, no matter the time in history, culture, economic system, or political system ALWAYS produces crime, misery, and death. The left has spent 50 years building and nurturing known dependency building programs and demands that of exactly the same be done. When one looks back in history, it is easy to find numerous examples of those claiming to represent those that are dependent actually being decidedly against the best interests of those groups. This is the same situation. Sadly, some of the black "leaders" are actually intelligent enough to grasp this but have sold out for money and power. There are some really evil and sick people out there that cannot stop telling everyone how much they care when anyone with any thought can see they do not at all, except for votes.

ChrisS 8 hours ago
118 - 0 and counting

William Mccormack 8 hours ago
Most of the black students in city schools are spawns of ghetto welfare queens with no visible fathers.Their culture and upbringing are atrocious.I would never subject my precious children to this environment

Mike 8 hours ago
Bulldog...THAT's the plan!!!!! If you can't raise them up to society's average, they want to destroy the rest and bring them down to the gutter dweller's level.

Jose 7 hours ago
Thank you LBJ in making sure that the African Americans remain PROPERTY of the DNC for generations... The transformation was so great, that Blacks do not even know it was Republicans who fought for their equality against daddy Gore in the 60's Senate, and of course most Blacks if they know of Lincoln, think he was a Democrat... LOL at their ignorance... For they have won the war on Poverty and are reaping the seeds sown by LBJ...

Dale 7 hours ago
Wow, this is an impressive group of posters, well done all!

Daetalus 6 hours ago
I agree with the sentiment with the exception of welfare being the root cause (I think it's complicated). But you missed a major point - desegregation was to prevent disproportionate availability of opportunities and qualities of education. It was not some sort of plan to have "white success rub off on blacks" or something absurd as that.

Epidot 6 hours ago
What if it is really an IQ issue that can't be solved by spreading the kids around to try to equalize the failure?

edwardo 5 hours ago
even blacks do not want to go to black schools! and why? crime, drugs, gangs, rape! and NO ONE wants to learn! it is cultural, like gangs, drugs, guns, single moms! your not cool if your educated, want to learn, or report crime to the police.

AE 4 hours ago
Bringing black children to white schools isn't going to solve anything while the root causes of their problems lie within the black community itself. Inner city black communities seem not to value education. They prefer to perpetuate their culture of one parent households where children are spawned not nurtured among their other failings. They do not see value in education or in adopting the generally accepted work ethic that made the USA what it is today. They would rather indulge themselves on so called "entitlements".
James 4 hours ago
How about those illegal immigrant kids obama shipped here. The taxpayers are on the hook to pay for everyting for these people. Long term strategy to dilute the United States of it's superiority. It's working as planned.

DONALD 3 hours ago
The plan isn't to raise Black children's educational opportunities, it's to lower White achievement.

Carol 2 hours ago
This time it's not about blacks. "About half the students living in the 22 communities subject to the agreement, according to state officials, are non-white. That's up from about 38 percent in 2008."

This time it's about illegal aliens. That is the 12% difference in the school district's make-up since 2008. What happened since then? 1. Obama started inviting hordes of illegal children. 2. Hartford opened itself up as a sanctuary city, offering licenses, IDs and work permits to illegals.
bgr 40 minutes ago
283 to 0 thumbs ups. Unanimous. Complete stupidity.

thomas jonathan 13 hours ago
notice a trend? rather then to identify problems in the black community, and then come up with hard polices to solve them, its always find some easy way to slap some paint over it and ignore it. notice lately its been the justice system is unfair, not the black community commits a disproportionate amount of crime. .. and to hide the poor scores of the black students, its bus kids all over the region so that the average is elevated and the failing grades are covered over.

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Bobbala 13 hours ago
It's hard to make lemonade out of urine.

Bobbala 13 hours ago
.. or fudge out of *#$%$

Grahame 13 hours ago
or "polish a turd"

slappy 13 hours ago
I think MythBusters proved that it is possible to polish a turd, so...

Paul 12 hours ago
Our politicians do ALL of that every time they, and their pet media, convince people otherwise..............

ChrisR 12 hours ago
Those nasty, racist Republicans who are controlling Connecticut are to blame. It is too bad that the Senators, Governor, legislators (for the most part) aren't Democrat. Right???? Oh wait, they have been pretty much all Democrat for that last 25 years! Who are the racists moving aware from Hartford? /sarcasm

Yahoo User 10 hours ago
Hartford has a small black population. It is mostly Puerto Rican which requires suburban schools to take on the burden of presenting curriculum in Spanish, providing materials such as textbooks that are in Spanish as well as dealing with massive family disfunction within the community. Just so you know, Milo Scheff, who was the catalyst for the case his mother started, barely made it thru jr high and dropped out of high school to have a failed rap career even after benefiting from the case.
Yahoo User 10 hours ago
Wow! Somebody actually gave me a thumbs down for stating the reality that is the ghost town known as Hartford. Sad. Can't handle the truth?

Triple A 10 hours ago
If the Black community wants things to change, to make Black lives matter (to quote a hashtag going around). here are a few hints but you're probably not going to like a few of them.
1. If you do not want to be perceived as a thugs and/or gangsta's then stop making them your poster child.
2. If you act like a thug and/or a gangsta then get treated like one, stop running back to Momma Media.
3. Stop telling America that these are all just innocent, sweet boys that wouldn't harm anyone.
4. Stop using slogans that are manifested by lies, lies that intended to get a White police officer put in jail for something that did not happen. If you were to make a slogan like that out of the actual facts of the case it would be something like this. "Don't attack and I won't shoot".
5. Stop killing each other with impunity and without compassion. How do you expect the rest of the world to respect you if you don't respect yourself.
6. Respect laws, respect authority. Take responsibility for your own actions... You may find out that the way you are being treated has to do with the way you act than the color of your skin.
7. Get rid of Sharpton, Jessie and The Obama who insists you are victims and it is the rest of the world that is wrong.
8. And #7 is the hard one... You are part of the problem... Find a leader to represent the Black community that can denounce thuggery when it happens. At least if not to say, Brown made some bad choices and was wrong to break the law... Not that he was a sweet innocent child that wouldn't harm anyone (as we watch him on video robbing a store and choke holding the store clerk)
9. Find a leader to represent the Black community that understands the value of an education and preaches it. Find a leader that understands the power of self esteem and independency. The leaders you have now thrive on your anger, they thrive on your dependency. They are not helping you.

If you cannot stop blaming White America and help fix this... Then nothing is going to change... Ever.
jay 10 hours ago
There are no solutions. What community organizers perceive as black troubles caused by whites are just natural black behaviors. When blacks keep it real with everything on their terms you get the Congo.

Bruce 9 hours ago
They are doing Basic Math to fix the Problems: Whites & Asians will bring up the class average & will attend...(hiding their failures in the Black community)

Absurd And Sarcastic Comments 9 hours ago
Rite on, Triple A!

Derek Marlowe 9 hours ago
Stop the excuses. disintegration of the black family, no father figure, idolizing of sports and rap instead of school and a culture that gives them a pass for misbehaving.

Paul M 7 hours ago
Every problem in the black community, according to the left, can be solved by harming whites somehow.

R 5 hours ago
Jesus has given us the way to bring about restoration to the human race. Yet it is the most often rejected by people who reject anyone's advice but their own. When humanity thinks they know that the one who created them. Foolishness is all that will ever come of such a views. Love is the gift of G-D. Where as self-righteousness is from ourselves.

¿ɟʇʍ 2 hours ago
You nailed it Thomas!
Absolutely nailed it!

Brian 12 hours ago
Why force integration? I don't see how that could work; 'white flight' is guaranteed to ensue. And once white flight begins, there is no stopping it. It's only human nature that races tend to stick together. I was born in Chester, PA which as VERY white in 1972. As soon as 2 blacks moved onto the street, my parents sold the house and got me the hell out of there. Now Chester is almost entirely black. White flight is a reality that cannot be stopped. Forcing integration will not work.
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Ken 12 hours ago
I spent a few months in Chester PA in 1996 while in the Navy due to my ship being in dry dock. I did not know it used to be white, when I was there, there was not a single white to be seen, crack headed prostitutes all over the place and drugs and violence everywhere. Needless to say, I did not venture out in Chester when I was there. Could not wait to leave. Looks like your parents were correct to get you out of there.

frustrated 12 hours ago
If your parents are still alive, call them and think them! Take them to dinner, buy your mom some flowers.

frustrated 12 hours ago
Thank them, thank them!!! typo...

Brian 11 hours ago
Hi Ken. I believe it was Hurricane Agnes in 1972 that destroyed the public housing apartments in Chester. The local government then displaced the blacks and put them up in free housing all over the city, and two wound up on my street. It was only supposed to be a temporary move, but of course it never works out that way. Because they were dispersed widely throughout the city, nearly every street got a displaced black, which caused a white flight frenzy. I believe it was nearly 60% black in 1980, which is an incredible percentage at that time. Now in 2014 I believe Chester is 9% white. The city keeps filing for emergency funds because it is completely broke. My parents moved me out in 1975 when they were able to sell the house, which was a problem in itself because they could only sell to a black family at half the price. No white family was going anywhere near the area.
brodave 11 hours ago
Careful Brian. You know "facts" cause the little brains in Liberals heads to explode.
And that of course results a terrible, stinking mess.

Doesnot 9 hours ago
As a minority parent with 2 kids in school I will admit that I always send my kids the best "public" schools. I always researched the area we were moving into, found the best schools for my kids grades and purchased a home in that school district. It did not matter that I had to drive 40 miles to get to work each way, my kids education is important to me than how long it takes me to get to work.

Anonwizzkid 5 hours ago
I like to be with my own culture....that includes CIVILIZED CULTURED Americans of all stripes...

Lysander Spooner 4 hours ago
OhBummer's solution to "white flight" [which he despises] is to use the federal government to force white neighborhoods to import thugs, uh, I mean minorities, into their bosoms. OhBummer clearly does not think that this is good for predominantly white neighborhoods --- and that's precisely why he wants to do this. In short, Barak Insane OhBummer is an enemy of the American people, agitating and agitating and agitating, and promoting racial divisions and racial strife at every opportunity.
Hugh Murray 11 hours ago
If Blacks are disruptive in schools, bullying others, Holder and Obama do not want them expelled or suspended. That would be racism. Suspensions only by racial quotas. So discipline naturally declines so the Michael Brown types can dominate the classrooms with their stories of stealing from stores. No wonder whites have fled the public schools, where teachers lie and promote anti-white discrimination telling all that whites are "privileged." Text books denigrate American leaders like Jefferson and Jackson, to spend all the time on Jesse Jackson and Trayvons. And at testing time, teachers and principals may have to cheat (as in Atlanta) to demonstrate how well the minority students are performing. It is time to reconsider public education.
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Pat W 11 hours ago
Thomas Jefferson was a very bad man....Just sayin'

Pat W 11 hours ago
Andrew Jackson was a very bad man...Just sayin'

Hugh Murray 11 hours ago
They were both great Americans. Too bad that is no longer taught.

brodave 11 hours ago
Sorry but public education died the day the Regressive Liberals and public unions invaded them.
You now pretty much have to follow Obama's lead and send your children to private schools.
If you can not afford private schools, relocate to white communities that do not bus.

Gunny Hartman 10 hours ago
Pat W is obviously the result of our broken education system. He probably thinks Marion Barry was a great man.

bucketstealer 8 hours ago
Public phones....
Public transportation....
Public restrooms....

Noticing a trend?

HankS 7 hours ago
John F. Kennedy- Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Nobel Prize Winners of the Western Hemisphere.
April 29, 1962

...."I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
Julie 7 hours ago
At the school where I teach, we are not allowed to write up black or Hispanic students. Part of our accountability rating depends on lower discipline referrals for these subgroups.
So glad I don't have children of my own in school.

Fee 6 hours ago
Whites are 65 percent of the population. If they stop splitting their votes and unify under one party ( likely GOP) many of this PC/diversity dictatorship willl end. If whites vote like blacks (90 percent for one party) you are talking about 48 percent of the voters.
Nicholas Stix
Fee: "If whites vote like blacks (90 percent for one party) you are talking about 48 percent of the voters."

Ninety percent of 65% is 58.5%, not 48%.

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

Timothy 6 hours ago
White parents are not going to send their children to schools that are viewed as not safe. That is what parents are *supposed* to do: protect their children.

As long as "minorities" allow their kids to be violent and disrupt schooling white parents will simply move away to better school districts.

I know that this is "politically incorrect", but the onus is on the minority parents to get their kids to behave better. Otherwise there will not be "integration".

Let me put it another way, wouldn't "minority" families want to put their kids into different schools if whites were causing problems and being violent?
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Ronny 6 hours ago
Why should you or anyone else care about what's "politically correct"? Speak the truth and have a clear conscience.

thomas 4 hours ago
Unless Obama eventually gets his way and takes
that right away from whites!
adriana 10 hours ago
I'm a minority and I'm not racist but the truth is no one wants to live near black people or send thier children to a school with too many black children. Even rich white liberals are the first ones to move out of town when and blacks move into their neighborhood or school district. It's an unspoken truth but black children behave like wild animals and there will be endless fights and gang activity and threatning and unsafe environment will develop for the non-black children. I went to school where it was no than 10% black and the unruly, loud, obnoxious all around troublemakers were always the black kids. And the black parents would go to school when there child was terrorizing the school and they'd arrive swearing like the devil and screaming at the school administrators that they had a good kid but they were all bunch of racists.
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Bill 10 hours ago

joe 9 hours ago
Blacks are sub human animals and no law can change that! It's in their blood! Jefferson should have returned the slaves when he had the chance!

SimmerMarch2008 8 hours ago
I'm guessing your "minority" is not black,and you are obviously a racist. Public school students are taught they are evolved from animals, so they choose to behave as such. Black homeschooled children are no different than their white homeschooled peers in educational success. Color is not the problem. Failed public indoctrination centers are the problem.

sueinmi 4 hours ago
Even the president himself cancelled a voucher program for blacks to go to the school his daughters attend.

sueinmi 4 hours ago
Even the president himself cancelled a voucher program for blacks to go to the school his daughters attend.

John Rowley 4 hours ago
The truth was spoken here...

Nicholas Stix

Racist garbage.

“Public school students are taught they are evolved from animals, so they choose to behave as such.”

White and Asian public school kids are taught the same thing, yet they do not act like animals. You’re the racist.

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored
Elijah 7 hours ago
Wait for it. It’s coming. The social engineers are planning it. Forced social integration. Are you white and want to move? Fill out an application and some federal bureaucrat will decide if you can move or not. Want to sell your house to the first buyer who can afford it? Nope, you may be forced to sell it to a minority at a discounted price in order to keep the engineered social/economic mix up to snuff.

Nah, that could never happen in the U.S. where we’re free to live where we want to? Just wait a few years and see what happens.
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Guoyu 7 hours ago
Demagogues specialized in promoting the NWO agenda already regularly accuse whites of being racist simply for moving into a non-violent neighborhood in which Central American drug cartels and their gang affiliates are not the majority.

PATRICIA 5 hours ago
Then I say: Home school your children!!

Epidot 5 hours ago
Why do you think you are hearing the new buzz word "White Privilege"? This new term was thought up as a way to shake down Whites and will end in the kind of control you speak of.

thomas 4 hours ago
Yes. This is on Obama's agenda. Not to far from
it either.
Chuck 4 hours ago
So grow a pair and don't let it happen - try voting for one thing.

floger55 3 hours ago
Unfortunately your prediction will come true sooner rather than later if liberal moronocrats stay in power. I am actually surprised that the likes of Obummer and Holder have not tried this yet.

Alan 1 hour ago
I've been expecting that AFTER the communists take over and confiscate our property. Then they can assign us via a quota system a rent-controlled place owned by the government in which to live.

Greg 11 hours ago
...and "fleeing" is not because we're racist, as the liberals love to maintain, but rather it is because blacks simply do not know how to exist in a civilized society as they always cause massive problems wherever they go. They destroy their homes and neighborhoods, bully all other races, commit a disproportionate number of crimes against all other races and suck from the welfare coffers while still demanding . These are things we, other races here in America, see every-single-day. No amount of liberal media editing can hide the truth, we know what we know, despite you telling us we're wrong and calling us racists we know that living apart from "them" is the only way to live peacefully. No one, not Hispanics nor Asians nor Pacific Islanders nor Whites, want to live near or attend school with blacks.
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frustrated 12 hours ago
Yes! Blacks are, different...Look I even have some black ( or less) friends and, I do not actively hang out with them. Their ways are NOT my way. It's uncomfortable...Have you felt the same thing? Be honest.

SimmerMarch2008 8 hours ago
We have black gated communities of rich, upper crust black people who don't want to associate with riff raff. Don't confuse color with behavior. Upbringing makes the difference. I know many white people who have no idea how to behave in civilized society because they were not taught so by their parents.

YT 8 hours ago
Mullato perhaps.

Paul 5 hours ago
I don't think it's impossible for any black person to be civilized and not like what has been describe in this thread. I live in an affluent white neighborhood in North Texas, and my next door neighbors are black and perfectly fine neighbors. Nonetheless, they're very differnt from the vast majority of black people I know and encounter. Most are exactly as described here, and I assume all are until I see otherwise. Is that racist? It would be foolish to do otherwise.
Nicholas Stix
SimmerMarch2008: racist garbage. Poor whites have a lower crime rate than well-to-do blacks. Race makes the difference. The exception proves the rule.

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

simply Dave 10 hours ago
Chicago white guy here who knows a middle age black guy who is a city HS teacher at 80% black GAGE Park HS. He tells me HORROR stories. Such as the 1st day of school he passes out books, by the 2nd week of school almost ALL the books given out have been 'lost' by male students. Why ? It was explained to me that it is not cool to carry books and if you do you'll get harrassed, mocked or even beat up for being a nerd or "acting white" . And then the proggressives want preach at us about 'racism'. White liberals bury the truth and demand worship of their sick dangerous LIES. Black culture had family values, work ethic and dignity BEFORE the welfare state came along in the mid 1960's.
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Bedbugsandballyhoo 11 hours ago
Not only that but the thug mentality that comes along with hip hop culture and the fact that sports are valued over education.

Bill 10 hours ago
A few years ago the Los Angeles public schools gave laptops to students (iPads last year). Within a few weeks most have been lost (i.e. sold for drugs(

iraq51 10 hours ago
Hey Dave, what a great why to save schools and taxpayers money. From now on, never issue a textbook to a black male...darn, think of the money we could save...

Rich 10 hours ago
Forget books, don't issue them ANYTHING. It's all wasted or sold for drugs.

Commenter 10 hours ago
and expect the parents to pay for the 'lost' books

smitty 9 hours ago
@Rich: If the parent(s) are on welfare, they don't have to pay for the lost or destroyed books. The taxpayers pick up the tab. I was a middle school textbook clerk for 6 years.

SimmerMarch2008 8 hours ago
One of the top students in my kid's high school is a black kid who moved here from Harlem. His parents are married, they take him to church weekly and he dresses and behaves in a respectful manner. Skin color does not matter. Proper upbringing, especially by a mom and a dad who are married and gainfully employed makes the difference.

YT 8 hours ago

sueinmi 5 hours ago
My daughter student taught at a predominantly white HS. No one would raise their hand or turn in their homework for the same reason..looking smart was not cool. Upon graduation and going to work at a Catholic school, one student who transferred from a public school said the biggest shock to him was that students actually had to turn in their work.

Nicholas Stix

The upshot of your statement is that the overwhelming majority of black parents are unfit, which is another way of saying that it’s all about skin color.

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

Nicholas Stix

"My daughter student taught at a predominantly white HS. No one would raise their hand or turn in their homework for the same reason..looking smart was not cool."

Either you're a racist liar, or you made a little "mistake."

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored
Kara 3 hours ago
The big secret the media is afraid to mention is that blacks are now the biggest racists and are the ones attacking whites in groups of blacks. Whites are not interested in racism any and don't care about race any . Blacks on the other hand are the ones playing the "Knock out game" all over America, attacking Whites in all cities, looting stores, burning down buildings, ETC. Whites just want to live in peace, so they move away from these racist violent blacks.

Kara 4 hours ago
The big secret the media is afraid to mention is that blacks are now the biggest racists and are the ones attacking whites in groups of blacks. Whites are not interested in racism any and don't care about race any . Blacks on the other hand are the ones playing the "Knock out game" all over America, attacking Whites in all cities, looting stores, burning down buildings, ETC. Whites just want to live in peace, so they move away from these racist violent blacks.


Ryan 7 hours ago
Here is the truth, America. WHITE PARENTS DO NOT WANT DIVERSITY. We don't care about diversity. What we care about are safe schools (= no behavior problems), test scores, and advanced academic programs and opportunities; "maybe" a decent athletic program and extracurriculars like art, music, etc. All of this redistricting, shipping kids from one neighborhood to another to try to achieve some kind of racial, harmonic balance is not going to work. Efforts by the government to try to force integration will be completely in vain, as they always have been. INTEGRATION IS NOT GOING TO WORK in this country. ** Here's an example: in Southern California, public schools are largely Hispanic and have the burden of serving an illiterate, impoverished, violent population with poor impulse control and lack of social skills or future prospects. White parents pulled their kids out of those schools. The ones who couldn't send their kids to private schools homeschooled them. Then California passed a law requiring homeschooling parents to have some kind of specialization degree in order to curtail white flight from public schools -- what did these parents do? They put their houses up for sale and left California. No matter what you do, no matter what you try, White parents do not want diversity and schools will remain segregated.
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Rob 4 hours ago
Blacks don't want diversity either, otherwise they would respect themselves and their neighbors whoever they might be.

g w 3 hours ago

David 10 minutes ago
In my city, San Diego, they tore down Lincoln High, worst performing high school in SD. They spent $126 million to rebuild it, thinking that better facilities meant a better education. Before, the school was mostly black. Now it's mostly Mexican. It is still the worst rated high school in San Diego. They just replaced one set of uneducated parents and their children with another set. It's in a poor neighborhood and poor people are usually the least educated.

The blacks commute to other schools outside the neighborhood. When Lincoln was finished, they correctly decided not to return their kids to the school. In the meantime, Mexican immigrants moved into the cheap neighborhood and went to Lincoln when it reopened.

TIMK 12 hours ago
Why has for the past 45 years when courts order desegregation they don't address the problem of the poor education available in ghetto schools? Sure, the Blacks going to the predominately White schools may get a better education but what about the Blacks left behind and what about the Whites forced to go to the low quality ghetto schools? Another unfortunate result of these court orders is that many of the Blacks traveling to the White schools bring their ghetto mentality with them. How does any of this enhance the quality of education for anybody except a few Blacks who actually want a better education and were able to transfer out of the ghetto.
I must add these same courts should have demanded Barack Obama restore funding for the program that allowed children from the ghetto to attend Sidwell Friends School where he sends his daughters. Being a lying hypocrite he blocked that program when he enrolled his daughters in Sidwell. Elites don't mingle with the riff-raff.
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Doesnot 9 hours ago
Couldn't have them going to school with the riff-raff....ohh, wait can I type that?
Paul 6 hours ago
Part of the problem is what was described above: Blacks by and large don't care about education and will have lost their schoolbooks by week two so that they can keep it real. I think we should stop trying. Give the ones who care a voucher. Otherwise, the world needs ditch diggers, too. We need to stop importing ditch diggers from Mexico, stop giving welfare to our homegrown ones, and put them to work.

Kevin 3 hours ago
I am Asian. I have long decided that my kids go to the whitest school I can afford. Its not because white kids can help my kids with homework and all. Its because they have good manner and much less disruptive in class. The atmosphere at school and classroom is positive for kids in learning and shaping their minds and characters. Black kids are just too disruptive. Nowdays teachers mostly are female. They are not able to control classroom if there are 2-3 black kids. Besides, kids at the age of elementary and middle schools are critical because this age is very formative and impressionable. Any influence can easily impress on them. They lack of capacity of telling right and wrong. At this critical age, they must be shielded from any bad influence so they can be "implanted" good, right, moral compass in their young minds to guide their rest of lives. Political correction? absolute NOT on my kids.

The Magician 11 hours ago
Why would they want white people in "THEIR" schools? They hate white people, blame them for their stupidity, for their bad choices, for their non work ethic. What could bringing in white people do but cause even problems. I should think the Africans would want to be in ALL African schools so they would then be able to be all they can be. They would not have those evil white people messing in their business. Then they could graffiti the school good and proper, not show up to class, fight in the halls and in class if anyone showed up and generally have a good time with their bad self. So stop whining and leave the Caucasian kids to themselves so THEY can get an actual education.
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Rufus 11 hours ago
They should have all black teachers and staff at the 'African' schools as well - lest their superior influence be diluted by the odd Caucasian. Given the badness of white people in general it would seem that sub Saharan Africa should be the pinnacle of education, science, technology, art, and civilization in general... I've never been to Africa, is that what it's like there?

Doesnot 9 hours ago
1. So they can suffer just like their kids.
2. So someone else can raise their kids.
3. So the grade averages go up with smarter kids.
Take your pick

My Clone Did it Not me 1 hour ago
I don't get how moving white kids in black area's is going to improve the quality of education
for blacks?
It seems like this causes the cost to rise with busing blacks and whites to different schools and
it would just be cheaper to figure out what is wrong with black schools or any other minority
schools in the long run.
I would love to hear a reason as why this helps blacks if blacks don't do good in black run schools?

Carol 6 hours ago
My daughters attend a Catholic HS which, if I had to estimate, is about 10% black. Of this 10%, probably 90% come from the 'bad side' of town and attended the Catholic grade school from that side of town. The HS has zero problems with these kids and why is this? They come from tight knit families with parents who care enough about their education to do whatever it takes to get them into a good private school that teaches religious values, decipline, and respect.


Barry 5 hours ago
Every American who isn't blinded by political correctness knows that a fairly large percentage of the black community is uneducated, violent, feral, and de-evolving before our very eyes.

Even Mr. Bill Cosby acknowledged this when he stated: "Black on black crime, drug and alcohol abuse, and a stubborn proclivity towards embracing the most ignorant and juvenile, criminal and self defeating culture and mentality, has done to to hurt black people than anything ole Whitey ever did."

These facts are not "racist" ..... they are "reality":
► Fifty two percent of all of the homicides in America are committed by young black males, who make up just four percent of the total population.
► Almost seventy-five percent of black babies are born out of wedlock. That means the taxpayers are stuck paying for all of the associated health care costs.
► Millions of young Mexican men travel thousands of miles from their homes in Mexico to get jobs in America, yet young black men can't seem to find jobs....why?

Honorable black men and women struggled for decades to obtain their civil rights, so why do today's blacks ignore their civil responsibilities that are associated with those right?

Sadly, I've come to the realization that most blacks don't want equality, even though they say they do. Equality carries great responsibilities and requires that actions have consequences. I think that what blacks really want is special treatment, as a protected class, who can't be blamed for any of their bad decisions or behavior.

and whites, like myself, no longer feel any guilt or sympathy towards blacks.

We're tired of excuses.....
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g w 3 hours ago
Cosby the serial rapist....hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm...he had is pick of the white and the black wimin didn't he???? hhmmmm hmmmm hmmmm

Jt 2 hours ago
There are three questions that determine how any ethnic group does in America:
1. Do you marry the women you have children with and stick around to raise the children?
2. Do you believe in education, educate yourself and make certain your children are well educated?
3. Do you work hard, hold a job, acquire and improve your skills, and make something of yourself?

Answer YES to all three = You do spectacularly well, exceed the US average within a generation - think of the Cubans in Miami, Japanese in CA, Russian and German Jews in the NE.

Answer YES to two = Average - you will perform at the US median

Answer YES to one or zero = UNDERCLASS

None of the answer to these questions are changed by importing whites from the suburbs.

Jt 3 hours ago
There are three questions that determine how any ethnic group does in America:
1. Do you marry the women you have children with and stick around to raise the children?
2. Do you believe in education, educate yourself and make certain your children are well educated?
3. Do you work hard, hold a job, acquire and improve your skills, and make something of yourself?

Answer YES to all three = You do spectacularly well, exceed the US average within a generation - think of the Cubans in Miami, Japanese in CA, Russian and German Jews in the NE.

Answer YES to two = Average - you will perform at the US median

Answer YES to one or zero = UNDERCLASS

None of the answer to these questions are changed by importing whites from the suburbs.

Carol 2 hours ago
"About half the students living in the 22 communities subject to the agreement, according to state officials, are non-white. That's up from about 38 percent in 2008."

Contrary to many of the comments, the increase in this community is not blacks, it is illegal aliens. The 12% increase after 2008 can be attributed to Obama's open borders and invitations to illegals, and to Hartford opening itself up as one of the first sanctuary cities for illegals - giving them IDs and driver licenses.

Lazybum 3 hours ago
Why is it always about race when it comes to liberals? Sheff's mother made a career out of her kid being a lousy student and thug.

The lawsuit supplied several leach lawyers with entire careers on the backs of taxpayers. Money that would have been better spent on "the children".

If Ms Shef had exerted half the energy on her kid instead of bloviating in the press, maybe her thug-child would be alive today with a productive job. The whole thing was an absurd waste of money and resources.
Dave 6 hours ago
Desegregation standards, never understood why there needs to be a law to force blacks and whites to be integrated. When i was young all the whites moved to the south suburbs of Chicago. The far south suburbs. Then they started the integration programs. Now those areas are all black. Why? The whites moved out asap. Why? Crime and cultural differences. If you thinks it is only the white people that are racist you are wrong. The blacks that went to those schools the rougher it got for white kids. So white flight. Just leave us alone.

Jeanne 12 hours ago
I used to work a job that required me to spend each day in a different school in Connecticut. I've been everywhere from Avon and Westport to Hartford and New Haven. I would never ever EVER send my kids to a school in Hartford. Never. When we worked in those schools we had to be escorted by security guards through barbed wire fences, past bullet proof glass, to the location we were working inside the schools. In the worst ones we had someone who sat there to guard us all day long. Granted, that was 15 years ago, but I have a hard time believing it's any better now.

So the question is, why in the world would I ever even consider sending my polite, well spoken kids to some crazyass inner-city school where they can learn to speak poor English and watch kids with discipline problems be reprimanded all day long? That's why I live in a nice middle class town in the first place. Because my kids go to school with kids who behave the way I want my kids to behave.

Cool Oldurguy 5 hours ago
White parents in places like CT don't tell their kids blacks are bad. They do want their kids to have a better studying environment than a bus. They do want their kids to associate with other families that value learning, and where their kids would be supervised and in a safe place if they play with a new friend after school. If you have ever been to Hartford, CT and the immediate area, you will quickly realize that if you dyed everyone's skin GREEN, most of the formerly white people would not want their kids going to school with most of the formerly black people's kids, particularly if it involves a ten or twenty mile bus ride in heavy traffic. Sharpton, DiBlasio and Eric Holder would probably denounce this attitude as racist. I call it common sense.

TF 13 hours ago
Busing has NEVER worked. Back in the late 70's LA wanted to bus White kids into predominately Black neighborhoods and Black kids into predominately White neighborhoods. It was a complete nightmare and families, from both ethnic groups, were ticked that the "system" wanted to move kids miles and miles across town to make sure schools were "ethnically diverse". What ended up happening, parents decided that their kids would move out of certain districts which were busing kids, change school zones or in the extreme cases---you know when the system stated "you will either comply or there would be issues"--they moved out of the district completely. Busing is not cost effective, it makes kids get up earlier than needed to bus them up to 50 miles away and puts them in an environment where they do not fit in---their friends are not around, they are uncomfortable and they end up creating problems for themselves.
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Commenter 10 hours ago
The school down the street from me buses in black kids from a few miles from here. There is a school right where they live and yet they have to be bused miles from home
There is another school here that is a few miles from the one near me. Basically kids are in either district. So I was told the race of the kids determine where they go. The black students go to the (formerly) mostly white school near me and the white students go to the predominantly school.
Glom 10 hours ago
The govt is all wrong. Real diversity starts in the family. It's time the govt started to force black kids to live with white families and vice versa. Only then can we achieve the racial utopia that will solve all of our problems.

Sledge 10 hours ago
I was bussed to a majority inner city black school. I learned nothing except how to lay low and take abuse.

bucketstealer 9 hours ago
The vast majority of the biggest troublemakers in my high school when I was a kid were kids bussed in from somewhere else. Every incident serious enough to result in local police coming to the school was one of these hood rats that would not have been there otherwise.

These kids do not give a #$%$ about their education. Their parents, if they even know who either or both of them are, don't give a #$%$ either. Education cannot be force-fed. If these kids cared to learn and came from a community or culture that embraced education or at a minimum took it seriously, then their local schools wouldnt be cesspools. But in typical leftist fashion, misery must be spread as wide and far as possible, preferably subjecting as many white people as possible to it.
YT 9 hours ago
Tried to give you a thumbs up, but yahoo won't let me. It keeps putting the "report abuse flag" up and won't register the up vote. So here is a 1000 ups

mark 8 hours ago
The first thing the left did was destroy the neighborhood schools. Then they destroyed the neighborhoods. Except the ones where their rich, white lawyers live.

Mike 8 hours ago
Bucket... Of course they caused trouble they had nothing invested in your school. Why should they care? Look, they burn stuff down in THEIR OWN HOOD!

TheUnder 7 hours ago
My son's school career was ruined by busing. He was placed in a classroom full of uncontrollable kids from another neighborhood, where the class norms became ignoring homework assignments and showing up unprepared for class.
We spend $7K on tutoring sessions the next year, tying to get him back up to grade level, but his new "friends" turned on the peer pressure, again dragging him down to their level. He eventually dropped out with his friends.
All those music lessons, supervised play sessions and extra taxes I paid to live in the best school district in the state....what good was it?
Paganpink 4 hours ago
They should immediately start to refuse admittance to any blacks in the 84% black schools and pay a substantial fine for not having enough minority white students along with immediately putting forth a plan- regardless of cost- to provide relief for the disparate impact this has had on whites. ALL public school teachers should be retrained to the sensitivities and newly created historical bias against whites that have occurred and continue to occur in their schools. Hartford must show that it can treat whites with the same resources, energy, and money assets that it has treated black students and people of color with for so many decades in the past. Lastly, some of the formerly white schools should now be set aside for special federal, state, and local grants and designated as "Historically White Schools" and the whites culture, habits, and unique perspective honored and encouraged throughout the school district. Racists who have long favored blacks and non-whites of all kinds in the sort of favored treatment deeply rooted in America since the Civil Rights act of 1964 should be put on notice that bullying, favoritism by black teachers and administrators at all levels, and ridicule of whites that has been allowed and even encouraged in these schools for so many years will no longer be acceptable.

Brian 7 hours ago
Regarding blacks, I have an interesting observation. My old hometown in PA went through a severe demographic shift. In the 1990s we were 99% white. It was a beautiful town with practically zero crime. Now it's around 37% white. The town is a horrid cesspool. I've been checking out the the local newspapers over the past month. The front page usually consists of a black or Hispanic guy in handcuffs. The police section is almost entirely black or Hispanic. No pictures, but names like Tyrone and Gonzales usually clue you in. Every other picture in the paper consists of white people working in various community functions, city office holders, and everything that doesn't include crime. Even the school section consists of pictures of ALL white kids in various school and leadership functions, even when the white kids are now the minority in the schools (I think the high school is now 30% white). Not one black or Hispanic kid or adult in the paper is doing anything good. I'm sorry, but this tells me one thing: the blacks and Hispanics have ZERO value in the world. And it's all their fault. Whites have bent over backwards to give them equality and they did NOTHING with it. Way to go!
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Lavette 7 hours ago
So why don't you just eliminate all the black and hispanic people?

Commenter 7 hours ago
They tried eliminating each other in Rawanda, Africa with Machetes. Tribal people.

Lavette 7 hours ago
Kevin, you do know that ethnic cleansing isn't just isolated in Africa? You have that same problem all over the world with different ethnic groups. It's a human condition unfortunately.

Commenter 5 hours ago
Why don't we segregate and get our culture and lives back...

Brian 2 hours ago
That is the only way but it will never happen, unfortunately. The only thing that could possibly be done is to snuff out welfare and gentrify neighborhoods by pumping money into them, with the aim of raising property values and property taxes, which will increase rents. Raising prices is the only way to get rid of the poor undesirables, and they are usually black and Hispanic. Of course, our government subsidizes all the minorities to help them pay, so that is out of the question too. We are pretty much screwed.
Nicholas Stix

Which town was that?

Nicholas Stix, Uncensored

Fed Up 7 hours ago
Hmmmm, I see all sorts of contradictions here. For example, doesn't insisting on a given number of white bodies in the mix imply that things are bettered by their presence? And if the "minority" kids are now actually a majority in numbers why is that a bad thing? Do the schools they take over suddenly become bad? Is a decent school in a decent neighborhood suddenly inferior because the population has shifted there? And if so, what does it say about the new population?

Because if the answer to these questions are uncomfortable then it just may answering a final, chicken and egg, question.

Is a place bad and minorities move there or do minorities move there and it becomes bad?

I know which way I'd bet.
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James Fogleman 7 hours ago
You are asking dangerous questions that are politically incorrect to acknowledge.

1 comment:

  1. To far for white kids to go to school. NONSENSE! The parents just don't want their kids to go to a bad school.
