Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Disappearing Urban Crime in Los Angeles

By RC and Nicholas Stix

RC: Mark my words: Los Angeles is not the only large city that has "disappeared" its violent crime stats down the memory hole.

NS: I’ve done a few pieces on some of the tricks the LAPD have used to “disappear crime” in what is, increasingly, the City of Devils.

In one VDARE report, I showed that LAPD Commissioner William Bratton was violating LA’s Special Order 40, in order to aid and abet illegal aliens, and disappear crime. S.O. 40 was already illegal, because it broke the federal law making it a felony to harbor illegal aliens. Bratton responded by trying to get me fired from VDARE. [“LAPD: ‘We Don`t Get into’ Immigration Status of Christmas Story Director`s Killer.”]

See also: “The Myth of Special Order 40?”

In a blog item, I showed how Bratton kept crime reports down by ceding ever more neighborhoods to the control of illegal alien gangs. Mexicans, the dominant alien group, come from a country in which a new report showed that people didn’t report 90% of crime to the police, because they didn’t trust them. Bratton exploited that attitude to the fullest.

A reader also once sent me an article showing how LAPD officers sandbag property crime victims, in order to get them to give up filing police reports. (I couldn’t find the item. Google ain’t what it used to be.)
Following an L.A. Times investigation that found police had seriously underreported violent crimes, the LAPD has launched reforms meant to overhaul its system for classifying crimes.

Also, at WEJB/NSU, and by this writer:

“De-Policing in America’s Cities: Erasing the ‘Thin Blue Line’”;

“The War on Police”;

Part I: “The Philadelphia Story: When the Cops are Crooks”;

Part II: “Solving Philly Crime with an Eraser: The ‘Good Irishman’ and the Race Man”;

“‘Disappearing’ Urban Crime”;

“Paul Moses: How the New York City Police Department Managed to Make Shootings and Stabbings “Disappear”;

“Kristopher Kime, James Paroline, and Edward Scott McMichael: Three Race Murders in Seattle”;

“The Great Chicago Memorial Day Gang Attack Cover-Up”;

“Detroit: New Crime Stats Fail Smell Test; How Could Crime Go Down 7% Overall Last Quarter, While Homicides Went Up 31%?”;

“Re-Victimization and ‘Disappearing’ Scandals: Dallas PD Revolutionizes Crime-Fighting Through Wholesale Stashing, ‘Unfounding,’ & Ignoring Complaints”;

“Chicago: Homicides Up 60%, Non-Fatal Shootings Up 37%, and Overall… Crime is Down 10%, and Rape is Down 15%”?!;

“Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel: Screw the Stupid, Phony Crime Stats, I Care about Individual Sob Stories! Besides, Crime is Dropping…”;

“Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn: ‘The Computer Ate My Crime Stats’: ‘Disappearing’ Crime in Milwaukee… and Everywhere Else”;

“The Chief Strikes Back: Supporter of Milwaukee PD Chief Ed Flynn Says Flynn is being Smeared”;

“From Compstat to Fakestat: The Epidemic of Fraudulent Official Crime Reports”;

“North American Consultants ‘Disappearing’ Trinidad`s (Horrific) Crime Rate?”;

“Justice Department: Nearly 3.4 Million Violent Crimes Per Year Went Unreported to Police from 2006 to 2010”; and

“Stix Vindicated! Academics, Magazine Confirm Big City Police are ‘Disappearing’ Crime.”


  1. In Many police departments , they hide the race or nationality of the criminal so that no one knows whether they are black or another illegal alien from Mexico. In Washington county oregon, all hispanic mexicans are listed as white so that it looks like a bunch of white males out robbing and stealing.

  2. Years ago a Mexican-American friend told me that in Mexico you would have to pay the police out of your own pocket to investigate and arrest someone who robbed your house.

    David In TN
