Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Hate Crime in Lancaster City, PA: Young, White Eloi Public School Teacher Slaughtered in “Grisly” Murder by the Usual Suspects in Her Home; Specifics So Awful, the Police Won’t Even Reveal Them; Vic was Fearless; Her Friend Worries More for Black Suspect Than for Vic


"This photo was one of Nicole Mathewson's favorites of herself, according to friend and photographer Ann Rodriquez. "Most people don't like pictures of themselves in their full laugh, but, well, Nicole lived boisterously and with everything in her," Rodriquez said in an email. (Ann Rodriquez)"

Suspected war criminal Marcus Anthony Rutter

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Teenager charged in teacher's death: “I know Nicole grieves for him”
By Julia Hatmaker | Follow on Twitter
December 16, 2014 at 12:25 P.M., updated December 16, 2014 at 9:56 P.M.
The Patriot-News

Nicole Mathewson murder

Nicole Mathewson, 32, always welcomed people into her home on the 700 block of North Franklin Street in Lancaster City. That was something the sixth-grade teacher loved to do, according to her former roommate, Melissa Ehst Leaman, 34, of East Lampeter Twp.

Marcus Anthony Rutter


It was in that home that Mathewson was found dead on Dec. 15, after a burglary.

Marcus Rutter, 16, of Lancaster City was charged with the criminal homicide of Mathewson, as well as burglary and criminal conspiracy to commit burglary and robbery. He did not act alone, according to police, but his unknown co-conspirator has not been arrested.

Leaman found out about Mathewson's death when a friend texted her asking if she had heard what had happened.

"Something in me just completely dropped, because nothing ever happens to Nicole," Leaman said. "I just knew that something was not right...

"I wept. I just wept because her life - everybody's life is valuable, but this woman, her life was just incredible," Leaman continued. "It was absolutely incredible. I never, ever expected anything like this for her -- ever."

Mathewson lived alone, but she was never afraid of being attacked according to Leaman.

"She was a single woman and she was proud," Leaman said. "She was thankful to be able to buy a home. She wasn't sure she could buy a home, but she did it. She poured herself into that home. She welcomed people, she hosted people.

"She was never fearful of being alone as a single woman. She loved her neighborhood and the people she came in contact with along the streets. She wasn't afraid, which I'm thankful for."

Leaman had met Mathewson approximately five years ago when she was on the hunt for a roommate to live with in Lancaster. "We met and instantly clicked," Ehst recalled. "She was just a fun-loving, free-spirited girl."

Both of them liked to invite people into their home. There was one such event that Leaman said she will never forget.

Leaman had found two pounds of frozen blueberries in their freezer and had no idea what to do with them. Mathewson had suggested they throw a giant breakfast and invite their community to come out. A few weeks later and almost 100 people showed up for party. Mathewson had even made up little blueberry jam jars to hand out to people as a thank you for coming.

"She was just absolutely beaming," Leaman recalled. " She loved to bring people together...She took such joy in bringing joy to others."

That love of people suited Mathewson well in her work as a sixth-grade teacher at Brownstown Elementary School.

"She had a lot of difficult students and she would continue to just pour herself into them, encourage them to help them become who they really were and who they were created to be," Leaman said.

It's an attitude Leaman is sure Mathewson would have taken with Rutter.

"She would have loved him," Leaman said. "He probably had a hard life and she would have loved him and looked at him and called him out and set him straight.

"She didn't beat around the bush about things. If there was truth to be spoken, she spoke it. but it was with a grace and humility that a lot of people don't carry," Leaman continued. "I know without a doubt that she would have called him out and said 'This is not who you are, this is not who you were created to be.'

"Maybe she had that chance, I don't know."

While Leaman is grieving for her friend, she also mourns Rutter.

"All I can think about is that 16-year-old, and how I thought about how I would feel when I found out who did it," Leaman said, her voice cracking. "I grieve for him and I know Nicole grieves for him."

This story has been updated to use Leaman's married name, rather than her maiden one.


  1. If liberalism is not a serious mental disorder, then what is? Imagine blacks feeling all warm and fuzzy about a white murderer rather than the victim. If muggings, murder and home invasions can't wake people up, what will?

  2. Gee, too bad the murderer was caught. If only the 16 year old murderer got away with the gruesome murder -- then the victim's good friend and BFF wouldn't have to grieve so much. She could rest easy knowing the 16 year old precious minority murderer wasn't feeling any mental anguish from being arrested.

    Maybe the cops could release Rutter contingent upon Leaman taking custody of the murderer. He could go live with her. The two could then grieve together for their "friend".

    Mathewson was never afraid of being a single woman we're told. Better to be a little bit afraid and then take some precautions. I know a single woman here in my neighborhood. She's a little bit afraid, she is not a hero. She avoids blacks as much as she can and she had a state-of-the-art Security System installed in her house. That makes a lot more sense to me then the white women in this story.

    I hope Mathewson's funeral doesn't devolve into a "Black Lives Matter" forum, but I have the feeling it's going to.

    If a 16 year old white teenager killed a black school teacher, male or female, it would be international news by now. If a white male teenager killed a white female school teacher it would be national news by now.No one would be concerned about the feelings of the white teenage murderer, no one -- and rightfully so. The white liberal women would be up-in-arms against White men, including this phony-faced Leaman. [ If a white teenager killed a white male teacher it would only make the local news. If a black teenager kills a white school teacher, male or in this case female, it also only makes the local news -- and it's certainly not turned into a giant racial issue.]

    I guess liberalism is a type of religion and getting murdered at the hands of blacks is some sort of sacred martyrdom for "the faith". It's a bit much. Christ went to The Cross so black and other minority criminals wouldn't have their feelings hurt after committing brutal crimes and murders : In effect, it's what Leaman is saying.

    Leaman's "religion" only leads to more violence and more murder for both whites and blacks, for blacks kill one another down more than they kill whites ; Which is saying a lot for blacks are killing whites now in large numbers ; The blacks kill one another in even larger numbers. The white liberals so concerned about blacks may want to reconsider their baby-coddling of black criminals -- if only for the sake of the blacks they supposedly love so much. But they never will reconsider their "religion" for that would require some loyalty, sympathy, and empathy for their own White kind. A sympathy and empathy for their own kind which is NEVER forthcoming from the white liberals.

    From : Salvatore

  3. They've made a second arrest, one Thomas Moore, a 25-year old.

    David In TN

  4. Don't use Nicole's murder as a forum for your unintelligent, close minded, racist beliefs.

  5. Dear Anonymous Coward,

    It never fails! Every time I condemn a savage, racially motivated black-on-white murder, some white Uncle Tom or Aunt Jemima like you comes along to make me the bad guy.

    I’ll bet you’re an Auntie.

    Well, I want you to think of me when they come for you, when you’re begging for mercy, telling them that you’re no racist. They’ll just enjoy what they do to you, that much more.

    With love and best New Year’s wishes,

    Nicholas Stix

  6. this must be that white privilage thing we have. the right to be a victem .
