Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Texas: A Campaign Incineration Status Update on Wendy Davis


Instantly remaindered

By Nicholas Stix

Wendy Davis has three political assets (or you could say two: dead babies and a world-class plastic surgeon):





My legions of feminist readers will doubtless respond, "So, that's the best you can do? Attacking her body?"

Not at all. However, her embrace of the surgically-created MILF look does go to her character (in part to sucker men she intends to screw over into voting her), as any honest feminist would acknowledge. Oops, my mistake. The only honest feminist is an ex-feminist.

As for the inevitable comparisons to Sarah Palin, the young Palin (unlike the young Davis) was pretty and sexy, the middle-aged Palin comes by her sex appeal naturally, does not now look younger than she did 24 years ago.

And if we scratch the surface, we find with Davis (again, unlike with Palin) that the phoniness of what is skin deep is matched by the phoniness of what goes on in the depths of her character, or lack thereof.


1 comment:

  1. Pro Choice comes before conception. After conception there is only prolife or murder most foul.
