Wednesday, October 29, 2014

NASA Explosion: Moslem Outreach Agency Tries Its Hand at Space Exploration, Yet Again with Disastrous Results



By Nicholas Stix

Why would an American government agency, whose mandate is space exploration squander billions of dollars, in order to
“reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their [virtually non-existent] historic contribution to science, math and engineering.”


  1. That explosion in the photo of a NASA rocket looks like something a muslim would participate in.

  2. The president has placed political types in all manner of positions, blacks for NASA, Homeland Security, DOJ, an insider lawyer with no science/public health background for 'Ebola Czar', etc etc. When communists gained power in various countries they had the ongoing question of whether to use technically proficient people who may not be politically onboard with them or to have politically reliable people run things even if lacking in actual capability. The latter was the 'politics first' approach. It gave the worst results and they learned they needed to use people with ability. The approach here in the US is one of 'politics first' and that's why all institutions are deteriorating. Everything is seen as perception management, spin, manipulation and political control by the right people.
