Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Hollywood Reporter Issues Press Release, Praising Starlet Ellen Page for Her PR Stunt, Announcing that She’s a Lesbian, in Order to Help Her Revive Her Failing Career

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I wasn’t even aware who Ellen Page was. I had heard of the movie she starred in, Juno, about a white teenager who gets pregnant out of wedlock, but that was in 2007, and I never saw it.

This isn’t a news story, it’s a press release. This wasn’t an act of courage, but a calculated career move. Who knows if she even is a lesbian, or just passing? (Justin Bieber gave his career a huge boost by announcing he was “gay” a few years ago, but I’ve never heard or seen tell of any “boyfriends,” only a girlfriend.) Coming out as a strict Roman Catholic, now that would take courage. The most courageous move of all would be for an actress to come out against militant homosexualism, black supremacism, and reconquista.

The majority of the comments at the story are pro-homosexual, treating Page as if she were a martyr, and quite a few of the criticisms sound like they were written by homosexualists trying to make normal people look bad. In the coments I reprinted, I did not strive to be representative.

By the way, I re-posted the video below as a service to my readers. I did not bother watching it. I’ve already wasted too much time on this PR stunt.


Ellen Page Comes Out

As Gay: “I Am Tired of

Lying by Omission”


7:09 PM PST 2/14/2014 by Seth Abramovitch

The "Juno" star made the announcement in Las Vegas at the Human Rights Campaign's THRIVE conference benefiting LGBTQ youth.

Ellen Page has come out as a gay woman.

The star of the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past made the announcement in a moving and deeply personal speech delivered at Time to THRIVE, a conference to promote the welfare of LGBT youth held at Bally's Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

STORY: Hollywood Reacts to Ellen Page's Coming Out Speech

"I’m here today because I am gay," Page, 26, told the audience "And because maybe I can make a difference. To help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility."

"I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission," Page proudly and defiantly declared. "I suffered for years because I was scared to be out. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I’m standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain."

Page first shared the inner turmoil she's felt since she was thrust into the Hollywood limelight following the blockbuster success of 2007's Juno.

"It’s weird because here I am, an actress, representing -- at least in some sense -- an industry that places crushing standards on all of us," Page said. "Not just young people, but everyone. Standards of beauty. Of a good life. Of success. Standards that, I hate to admit, have affected me."

PHOTOS: Straight Actors in Gay Roles: From River Phoenix to Michael Douglas

"You have ideas planted in your head, thoughts you never had before, that tell you how you have to act, how you have to dress and who you have to be. I have been trying to push back, to be authentic, to follow my heart, but it can be hard," she admitted.

Page added that reading about herself in the tabloids can be a trying ordeal, and mentioned one article, accompanied by a paparazzi photo of her wearing sweatpants on the way to the gym, that asked, "Why does this petite beauty insist upon dressing like a massive man?" (The answer: "Because I like to be comfortable.")

That kind of gender stereotyping serves "no one," Page said. She then went on to single out examples of "courage all around us," naming "football hero Michael Sam," Orange Is the New Black star Laverne Cox and musicians Tegan and Sara Quin for their contributions to furthering LGBT visibility and pride.

She concluded her remarks by wishing the audience a happy Valentine's Day, sweetly adding, "I love you."

Born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Page worked in Canadian television before making her first stateside splash in 2005 revenge-thriller Hard Candy. She then played Kitty Pryde, aka Shadowcat, in 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand. But it was her breakout performance as the pregnant teen title character of Juno that catapulted her to international superstardom.

EXCLUSIVE: Julianne Moore, Zach Galifianakis to Star in Drama 'Freeheld'

Next, Page will appear in indie drama Freeheld, starring opposite Julianne Moore as a gay couple whose pension benefits are frozen after one is diagnosed with a terminal disease. The fact-based film, a passion project for Page, also stars Zach Galifianakis.

Time to THRIVE organizer Human Rights Campaign posted the news to Twitter and Facebook shortly after Page made her remarks, which they later posted in full to their Tumblr.


Twitter: @SethAbramovitch Jeffrey Coley Can we quit pretending that "coming out" is a courageous act these days? It's the hip new fad. ALL the cool kids are doing it. It's a fashion accessory for the well turned-out entertainer, sure to garner adulation and admiration from the "in" crowd. It pretty much guarantees popularity. You want to be courageous? Try coming out as a conservative Christian or Jew and profess that your faith teaches homosexuality is a sin. Opinion Holder to Jeffrey Coley Quality Post - I agree ... those godddamnded Phagz Must be Stopped DEAD in their tracks. Croatian to Conflagration Jeffrey Coley Riiiiight.... People that are newly out are doing it for attention, and to be fashionable. Not because of a feeling they can't control, that they've been struggling to express their whole lives for fear of being ostracized from society. Also, most conservative Christians and gay-bashers I've encountered have been quite loud and proud about their views, needing no courage at all to display their bigotry. On that note, anybody that does "come out" as a homophobe deserves to be alienated by a normal, rational, and tolerant society. Connie Leffelman Yawn......and we should really care about this because?? I don't hate gays, I just don't want their lifestyle shoved in my face. I don't agree with it; but live and let live. Don't expect a parade just because you've chosen to reveal your sexuality. Opinion Holder to Connie Leffelman LOL ... well said ... the imagine themselves worthy of a thunderous round of applause for their achievement i.e. of sliding their tongues in and out of one another's assez...LOL :D jk105 to Opinion Holder Why don't you bring your sexual obsessions to a post board for fetishes. You seem to expect thunderous round of applause for exposing us to your moral depravity. George who needs to go to iraq when i can come out as gay and be called a brave soldier! Ivan Good for you Ellen - in the words of Motormouth Maybelle: "... brace yourselves for a whole lotta ugly comin' at you from a never ending parade of stupid. Stephen Thomas How to revive a struggling career... howard patters Another celeb attempting to co-opt 'victimhood'? *yawn* Jane Rosenstern It was pretty obvious.She did a photo shoot awhile back with Drew Barrymore with a definite lesbian vibe.A lot of homosexuals think they have everyone fooled when you can spot them a mile away.It doesn't matter if she came out or not,we all know she's gay--- simon You just know everyone is wondering, how did she keep quiet all these years? Gay or otherwise, this is yet another self-idolizing HOLLOWwood story. plewdawg Ok so....yeah...right...Who cares? Since we are on a revival of testimonials, who else can we get to come down and be a witness?! John Holloway Hmmmmmm!! My apologies, but never heard of her! George to MiMiLL Of course people care. Maybe not you and maybe not me, since I don't give a damn about sexual orientation, but it makes difference to children that are hiding. Who look up to young stars, lack confidence and are so horribly afraid and now maybe will have more courage to accept themselves. Because hey, if Ellen Page, who they admire, can, why can't they? Or maybe it will help heterosexual people who like her to be more accepting. Because she is gay and she is cool, so maybe there is nothing wrong in that after all. Unfortunatelly, we live in a world where most people expect everyone to be hetero (that's why there was never any need for I'm hetero! coming out. It's like a default mode in a game). Who don't just accept. And the way famous people behave is often indicator of how young people should behave, at least to them. It's not good, but that's how it is, that's the world we live in. So if Ellen Page saying, I'm gay! helps someone out there, then you better believe I'm all for it. The fact that it changes nothing in my life is not important here. • George Yay Ellen!!! Each time a celebrity comes out another scared kid gets more confidence to come out and be who they are!!! George Who cares? I have never seen an actor get up and say, "I'm heterosexual." If he did, he would probably be called a "hater." I wish gays would shut the hell up and get on with it. I suppose she wanted a little attention and chose this route. Jim Singleton Okay..for one thing..."GAY"...already had a definition before it was hijacked by Homosexuals...Homosexuals need to find their own word. As far as feeling better after "coming out"...maybe reviewing the basic real reason for feeling bad in the first place would be in order. Admitting what you are doing that makes you feel bad...makes you feel better? I'm sure alot of people would say it wasn't what she was doing but that she was hiding it that made her feel bad..Well it could be argued that doing something that you feel you need to hide....may just be wrong It's obvious I'm not for homosexuality.....I'm not against the people who are caught up in that....Just very concerned....And I don't have to accept it as normal people....and that doesn't make me a hater or a biggot.... And ask yourself this....WHY does it make homosexuals so mad to hear the word homosexual....? And why does it make homosexual so angry when they find out someone doesn't like what they are doing ? Why ? gray_eagle Congrats? Brave? Guts? A hero who disclosed who she gets her rocks off with? This story is so 50 X yesterday! This type of thing gets thrust into people's faces and rubbed in it. Who cares? Now, because I don't GLORIFY her I'll have to read negative, cursing and trash because if you don't love her lifestyle.......there is something wrong with you. I am comfortable in my shoes. With all the real pain in the world like war, hunger, disease, slavery, genocide.......and a thousand interest factor is about -100. Now, all of you hypocrite hating gays can go ahead and have your say........the kind of attitude you say is unacceptable from the straight people! • brettlosey Because you don't announce to the world that you are gay means that you are lying? No. That means that you are living a private life. Using your gayness as a ploy to put yourself in the spotlight is just another lousy thing some of these people do to get attention. Holly L. Forrester does she want a cookie? who cares! • MEMETIC Ms. Page then proceeded to rip off her breasts, shoved a cucumber in her pants, then raised her hands and declared, "Can you hear me now?!". carltonwest Yawn. Page is pathetic. Maybe she can hook up with Anderson Cooper or Michael Sam. Kevin L. "Gay" -- the new free publicity hit. George who one cares who she sleeps with. all this phony support is ridiculous. disqus_to KzdM6cGc6h I am so sick and tired of hearing how they feel that they have to HIDE that they're GAY. Who cares if you're gay, straight or whatever? Jamie Fowler Stone Lying by omission? Please. Gay is the new 'it' thing and she just jumped on the band wagon. Lying by omission? That it the dumbest thing to say. Not giving a response to a question is not lying. Ugh! You know, I really liked JUNO and Ellen's acting. She was so good. Every time that show comes on I must watch it because I just love it. Too bad just being an ACTRESS wasn't enough for Ms. Page. Does she think it will garner her more notoriety now that she's the "openly gay" actress. If she does, she's probably right.

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